>>> roman_candle = RomanCandle ("example") >>> launches = roman_candle. launch_several (4) >>> roman_candle.noise_made 360 >>> roman_candle.noise_complaints Θ >>> print(roman_candle.calculate_complaints()) Received 1 new noise complaints. Explanation: - after 4 launches, the noise is 150 +30 + 150 + 30 = 360 - before .calculate_complaints() is called, the noise_complaints attribute is 0 - when .calculate_complaints() is called: 360 // 250 = 1, and noise_complaints is currently 0, so there is 1 - 0 = 1 new noise complaints noise_complaints // 4 = 1 // 4 = 0, so cops are not called >>> roman_candle.noise_complaints 1 >>> launches = roman_candle. launch_several (10) >>> roman_candle.noise_made 1260 >>> print(roman_candle.calculate_complaints()) COPS CALLED!! Received 4 new noise complaints. Explanation: - when .calculate_complaints() is called, noise_complaints is set to 1 - after 10 more launches, the noise is 360 + 150 + 30+ ... + 30 = 1260 - 1260 // 250 = 5, and noise_complaints is currently 1, so there are 5 - 1 = 4 new noise complaints noise_complaints // 4 = 5 // 4 = 1, cops_called is currently 0, and 1 > 0, so cops are called
class Firework:
Implementation of the base Firework class
def __init__(self, brand):
""" Constructor """
self.brand = brand
self.brightness = 5
self.launches = 0
self.noise_made = 0
self.noise_complaints = 0
def launch(self):
Launch a firework, updates noise_made and returns string
self.launches += 1
if self.launches % 2 == 1:
execute = 'successful'
noise = 150
execute = 'dud'
noise = 30
self.noise_made += noise
return ("The " + self.brand + " firework was launched and it was a "
+ execute + " launch. It created "
+ str(noise) + " decibels of noise.")
def launch_several(self, amount):
Launches fireworks `amount` of times, returns the full string
results = ""
for _ in range(amount):
results += self.launch() + "\n"
return results.rstrip("\n")
class Firecracker(Firework):
Implementation of the Firecracker class
def __init__(self, brand):
""" Constructor, set initial brightness """
self.brightness = 3
def calculate_complaints(self):
Calculates the number of noise complaints received
new_complaints = self.noise_made // 250 - self.noise_complaints
if new_complaints > 0:
self.noise_complaints += new_complaints
return "Received " + str(new_complaints) + " new noise complaints."
return "No new complaints!"
class RomanCandle(Firecracker):
Implementation of the RomanCandle class
def __init__(self, brand):
""" Constructor, set initial brightness """
self.cops_called = 0
def calculate_complaints(self):
""" Returns a message describing the number of complaints """
if self.noise_complaints // 4 > self.cops_called :
self.cops_called += 1
return 'COPS CALLED!!\n' + super().calculate_complaints()
return super().calculate_complaints()
Received 1 new noise complaints.
Received 4 new noise complaints.
** Process exited - Return Code: 0 **
Press Enter to exit terminal
only fix def calculate_complaints(self) in side of class RomanCandle(Firecracker)

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps