Given the following code snippet, what is the value of the variable day? istringstream strm("16 Jan 1981"); int day = 0; string month; strm >> day >> month; No value because the code snippet cannot compile due to errors. 1981 16
Q: 6. Make a C program that will display the following number series: 10 1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5 Implement…
A: As per our guidelines we are supposed to answer only one question . Kindly repost other question as…
Q: 1) Define a global variable Emps that is an array of pointers to employee structs. 2) Change your…
A: According to the question , we have to solve 5 parts in the questions but we will discuss first…
Q: #include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h> int cent50=0;int cent20=0;int cent10=0;int cent05=0;…
A: The given c program is to calculate the change. This program prompts the user to enter the value…
Q: For each of the following variable definitions, determine whether the statementis valid or invalid.…
A: Given: For each of the following variable definitions, determine whether the statementis valid or…
Q: Usage: mortgagepmt [-s] -r rate [-d downpayment] price In this assignment, you are asked to do a…
A: Hello student
Q: #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h> //declaring variables globally to calculate…
A: Test cases: Test cases are the conditions or variables which must be tested to determine whether…
Q: 1) Define a global variable Emps that is an array of pointers to employee structs. 2) Change your…
A: The solution to the given problem is below. ***According to Bartleby policy we are allowed to…
Q: 1. Write C++ code that reads students' grades from input data "data11.txt", find each student's…
A: According to the information given:- We have to follow the instruction mentioned to get desired…
Q: def is_teenager(age: int) -> bool: "* "Return True iff age represents a teenager between 13 and 18…
A: According to the Question below the solution: Output:
Q: les, except you place an ________ in front of the name. This character indicates that the value is…
A: Below is the solution to the above listed fill in the blank problem statement:
Q: in python write year_considered = 2020 # Year being considered num_ancestors = 2 # Approx.…
A: A number of ancestors in each generation is consider as double of previous one. In the above…
Q: Variable names in C, generically called identifiers, use the underscore character to mash together…
A: More sense naming convention: When compare to camel case, the snake case makes more sense to the…
Q: Add a main function, three paramters, arguments and variables, to the code: def…
A: Given: Add a main function, three paramters, arguments and variables, to the code: def…
Q: #include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h> int cent50=0;int cent20=0;int cent10=0;int cent05=0;…
A: The algorithm to calculate the amount of change returned is given below: - Algorithm: - Step1:…
Q: After execution of the following code, what is stored in valueNum? All variables are using data type…
A: Given: All variables are using data type int. num1=3, num2=5, num3=7. To Find, The value stored in…
Q: QUESTION 31 Write a C# program named WordProcess that includes a method named SortAndDisplay(...).…
A: C# Program for the given problem :- using System; class MainClass { public static void…
Q: the code is in python for reference Find the error: daily_sales = [0.0, 0,0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,…
A: Given: the code is in python for reference Find the error: daily_sales = [0.0, 0,0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,…
Q: This is the C code I have so far #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct…
A: As per our guidelines, we are supposed to answer only 1st three parts. Kindly repost the remaining…
Q: In C++, Write a function named that accepts argc and args with the same data type as command line…
A: Answer: C++ Source Code: #include<iostream> int size(char * arg){ int i=0; while (arg[i] != 0)…
Q: ++, a reference variable is a variable type that refers to another variable.…
A: Solution :
Q: #include using namespace std; void some_action_1(int); int main() { cout<<some_action_1(2); return…
A: Because function return type is void, means it doesn't return any value. While function call is in…
Q: this lab, you will create a program that will be used to reformat a name so that it can be read more…
A: Answer:
Q: Python please: Given an integer representing a 10-digit phone number, output the area code, prefix,…
A: phone_number = int(input()) x = str(phone_number) print("("+x[:3]+") "+x[3:6]+"-"+x[6:])
Q: #include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h> int cent50=0;int cent20=0;int cent10=0;int cent05=0;…
A: What works: Input works if it is in the range of 5 and 95 included 5 and 95. Input works if it is…
Q: Given a struct Date,please overload the operator + to calculate the addition of two dates. struct…
A: #include <iostream>using namespace std; struct Date{ int year; int month; int day;…

Step by step
Solved in 3 steps

- In python, write a function that receives three parameters: name, weight, and height. The default value for name is James. The function calculates the BMI and returns it. BMI is: weight/(height^2). Weight should be in kg and height should be in meters. For instance, if the weight is 60 kg and the height is 1.7 m, then the BMI should be 20.76. The function should print the name and BMI. The function should return 'BMI is greater than 22' if the MBI is greater than or equal to 22. Otherwise, the function should return 'BMI is less than 22'. Call the function and print its output.C++ Language 2In C++
- Summary 2 - This program calculates prices for cu house signs. In this lab, you complete a prewritten Python program for a carpenter who creates personalized house signs. The program is supposed to compute the price of any sign a customer orders, based 4 on the following facts: 5 # Declare and initialize variables here. 6 # Charge for this sign. • The charge for all signs is a minimum of $35.00. # Number of characters. 8 # Color of characters. • The first five letters or numbers are included in the minimum charge; there is a $4 charge for 9 # Type of wood. 10 each additional character. 11 # Write assignment and if statements here as appropr • If the sign is make of oak, add $20.00. No charge is added for pine. 12 13 # Output Charge for this sign. • Black or white characters are included in the minimum charge; there is an additional $15 14 print("The charge for this sign is $" + str(charge)) charge for gold-leaf lettering. 15 Instructions 1. Make sure the file…the code CREATE FUNCTION Calculate_Monthly_Payment( @mortage_amount BIGINT , @apr DECIMAL(18, 6) , @years INT)RETURNS DECIMAL(18, 6)ASBEGIN /* A = P (i + i (1+i) −1 n ) where: A = Monthly Payment Amount P = Principle (Initial) Mortgage Amount i = APR / 12 = Monthly Interest Rate n = years * 12 = Total Number of Payments */ -- Calculate monthly interest rate DECLARE @i DECIMAL(18, 6) SET @i = @apr / 12 DECLARE @n INTEGER SET @n = @years * 12 RETURN (@mortage_amount *@i * POWER(1+@i,@n)) / (POWER(1+@i, @n) - 1) END isn't working it shows that ERROR: syntax error at or near "@" LINE 3: @mortage_amount BIGINT ^ SQL state: 42601 Character: 48Question: In C#, how can I recreate this into a Windows form Application instead of a console application? Please show a photo of the display and show the code that you used, thank you! Problem: Write a function Seperate( number ) that separates an integer number (ranging from 0 to 99999) into its digits. For example, if the number is 42329, the function finds 4, 2, 3, 2, 9. If the number is 323, the function finds 0, 0, 3, 2, 3. (Hint: use modulus and integer division operations.) Code: using System;public class RecExercise4{static void Main(){Console.Write("Input any number (ranging from 0 to 99999) : ");int num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());Console.Write(" The digits in the number are : ");separateDigits(num);} static void separateDigits(int n){int i = 4;int[] arr;arr = new int[5];while (i>-1){arr[i] = n%10;n = n/10;i--;}foreach(int j in arr)Console.Write(" " + j);}}
- In C++ Write a function named find_bigfoot which takes a string as an argument, and then determines whether the string "bigfoot" is found in the parameter. Then it returns true or false, depending on whether it was found or not. For example: find_bigfoot("There is no yeti");find_bigfoot("footbig not here"); would both return false, since the string bigfoot isn't part of the string while: find_bigfoot("I believe in bigfoot");find_bigfoot("bigfoot is around here"); would both return true, since the string bigfoot is part of the string.Create a function named fnTuition that calculates the tuition for a student. This function accepts one parameter, the student ID, and it calls the fnStudentUnits function that you created in task 2. The tuition value for the student calculated according to the following pseudocode: if (student does not exist) or (student units = 0) tuition = 0 else if (student units >= 9) tuition = (full time cost) + (student units) * (per unit cost) else tuition = (part time cost) + (student units) * (per unit cost) Retrieve values of FullTimeCost, PartTimeCost, and PerUnitCost from table Tuition. If there is no student with the ID passed to the function, the function should return -1. Code two tests: 1) a student who has < 9 student units, and 2) for a student who has >= 9 student units. For each test, display StudentID and the result returned by the function. Also, run supportive SELECT query or queries that prove the results to be correct.C++ Write a function named “createPurchaseOrder” that accepts the quantity (integer), the cost per item (double), and the description (string). It will return a newly created PurchaseOrder object holding that information if they are valid: quantity and cost per item cannot be negative and the description cannot be empty or blank(s). When it is invalid, it will return NULL to indicate that it cannot create such PurchaseOrder object.
- Given the following: printf ( “Enter your age in years: “ ); scanf ( “%d”, &age_in_years ); int is_voting_age = ( age_in_years >= 18 ); int is_drinking_age = ( age_in_years >= 21 ); int can_be_president = ( age_in_years >= 35 ); int is_senior_citizen = ( age_in_years >= 65 ); When the age entered is 33, what are the values of the variables above? When the age entered is 12, what are the values of the variables above? Write an IF statement in a function to print ‘Yes’ for each value above that is true.Write a split_check function that returns the amount that each diner must pay to cover the cost of the meal. The function has four parameters: . bill: The amount of the bill. people: The number of diners to split the bill between. tax_percentage: The extra tax percentage to add to the bill. tip_percentage: The extra tip percentage to add to the bill. ● ● The tax or tip percentages are optional and may not be given when calling split_check. Use default parameter values of 0.15 (15%) for tip_percentage, and 0.09 (9%) for tax_percentage. Assume that the tip is calculated from the amount of the bill before tax. Sample output with inputs: 25 2 Cost per diner: $15.50 Sample output with inputs: 100 2 0.075 0.21 Cost per diner: $64.25 Learn how our autograder works 461710.3116374.qx3zqy7 1 # FIXME: Write the split_check function. HINT: Calculate the amount of tip and tax, 2 # add to the bill total, then divide by the number of diners. 3 4 Your solution goes here''' 5 6 bill float(input()) 7…For C++ I am kinda suck for this part and for pseudocode tooAssume that you have a file that contains the weekly average prices for a gallon of gas in the United States for the past 3 years. The data is stored in the file as records. Each record contains the average price of a gallon of gas on a specific date. Each record contains the following fields: The month, stored as an integer. January = 1, February = 2, etc. The day of the month, stored as an integer. The year, stored as an integer. The average price of a gallon of gas on the specified date, stored as a real number, rounded to 3 decimal places. Design a program that reads the file and displays the lowest and highest gas prices, as well as the dates for those prices.