Fill in the blanks "__"This is assembly language, using TASM. ;The program will ask the user to enter the height and the width including the character ;The program will display the character presses forming a square or rectangle shape.;The program will also asked the user to tryagain or exit from the program;Character Y or y is 59h and 79h while N or n is 4eh and 6eh __________ param1mov dx,_______ _____mov _______,9________ endm_____________________________ msgHeight db 10,13, "Enter height of the rectangle: $" msgWidth db 10,13, "Enter width of the rectangle: $" msgCharacter db 10,13, "Enter character to print: $" msgTryAgain db ,10,13, "Try Again y/n: $" msgnl db 10,13, '$' character db '?' .codemain _________mov ax, _______mov _______, ax______ : mov ax, 3______________ msgHeight______________, 01hint 21hsub al, 30hmov cl, ________ ; cout msgWidth mov ah, 01hint 21hsub al, 30hmov ch,al cout msgCharacter______ ah, _____________mov character, almov ______, _______int 10h mov bl,cl_______ :mov ________ ,chmov ________ charactermov ah, 02h________ :int _____________ bh______ InnerLoop cout msgnldec ___________ OuterLoop cout msgnl______ : cout msgTryAgain______ ah, ______ h______ h______ al, 59h______ ulitcmp al, 79hje ______ ___________, 6Ehje _____________ al, ______ je exitprogram_____ tryagain______ :mov ah, _______int 21h ________ END main
Fill in the blanks "__"
This is assembly language, using TASM.
;The program will ask the user to enter the height and the width including the character ;The program will display the character presses forming a square or rectangle shape.
;The program will also asked the user to tryagain or exit from the program
;Character Y or y is 59h and 79h while N or n is 4eh and 6eh
_____ param1
mov dx,_______ _____
mov _______,9
msgHeight db 10,13, "Enter height of the rectangle: $"
msgWidth db 10,13, "Enter width of the rectangle: $"
msgCharacter db 10,13, "Enter character to print: $"
msgTryAgain db ,10,13, "Try Again y/n: $"
msgnl db 10,13, '$'
character db '?'
main ____
mov ax, _______
mov _______, ax
______ :
mov ax, 3
_______ msgHeight
_______, 01h
int 21h
sub al, 30h
mov cl, ________ ;
cout msgWidth
mov ah, 01h
int 21h
sub al, 30h
mov ch,al
cout msgCharacter
______ ah, _______
mov character, al
mov ______, _______
int 10h
mov bl,cl
_______ :
mov ________ ,ch
mov ________ character
mov ah, 02h
________ :
int _______
______ bh
______ InnerLoop
cout msgnl
dec ______
_____ OuterLoop
cout msgnl
______ :
cout msgTryAgain
______ ah, ______ h
______ h
______ al, 59h
______ ulit
cmp al, 79h
je ______
_____, 6Eh
je _______
______ al, ______
je exitprogram
_____ tryagain
______ :
mov ah, _______
int 21h ________
END main

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps