# file name: w07_markus.py # # Complete the following steps: # (1) Complete the following function according to its docstring. # (2) Save your file after you make changes, and then run the file by # clicking on the green Run button in Wing101. This will let you call your # modified function in the Python shell. An asterisk * on the Wing101 # w07_markus.py tab indicates that modifications have NOT been saved. # (3) Test your function in the Wing101 shell by evaluating the examples from # the docstring and confirming that the correct result is displayed. # (4) Test your function using different function arguments. # (5) When you are convinced that your function is correct, submit your # modified file to MarkUs. You can find instructions on submitting a file # to MarkUs in Week *2* Perform -> Accessing Part 2 of the # Week 2 Perform (For Credit) on PCRS. # (6) Verify you have submitted the right file to MarkUs by downloading it # and checking that the downloaded file is the one you meant to submit. # (7) We have also provided a checker test for you to run on MarkUs. Click on # the Automated Testing tab and then Run tests to make sure your code # passes our simple test case. Go back to step (1) if errors were reported # and modify your work. You may need to click on some arrows to see all # of the error report. Note that we will run additional tests when we mark # your submission. # # NOTE: To test this function, you will need to have your test .txt files # in the same folder, and those .txt files will need to have the same # format as the sample_numbers.txt file that you can download from MarkUs. # # You can use the sample_numbers.txt file to test your code, and you should # also test with some other files to convince yourself your code is working # correctly. # # Tip: some programs like Notepad may show the .txt file all on one line. # You can try opening your .txt files in Wing101 instead. # # You do not need to submit your .txt files. from typing import TextIO def count_odds_from_file(number_file: TextIO) -> list[int]: """Return a list of counts of odd numbers in each section of the file number_file. Each section in number_file begins with a line that contains only START and ends with a line that contains only END. Preconditions: each line in number_file is either START, END, or a string of digits that can be converted to an int. number_file is properly formatted to contain 0 or more sections structured: START <0 or more lines of numbers> END >>> f = open('sample_numbers.txt') >>> count_odds_from_file(f) [1, 0, 2] >>> f.close() """
# file name: w07_markus.py
# Complete the following steps:
# (1) Complete the following function according to its docstring.
# (2) Save your file after you make changes, and then run the file by
# clicking on the green Run button in Wing101. This will let you call your
# modified function in the Python shell. An asterisk * on the Wing101
# w07_markus.py tab indicates that modifications have NOT been saved.
# (3) Test your function in the Wing101 shell by evaluating the examples from
# the docstring and confirming that the correct result is displayed.
# (4) Test your function using different function arguments.
# (5) When you are convinced that your function is correct, submit your
# modified file to MarkUs. You can find instructions on submitting a file
# to MarkUs in Week *2* Perform -> Accessing Part 2 of the
# Week 2 Perform (For Credit) on PCRS.
# (6) Verify you have submitted the right file to MarkUs by downloading it
# and checking that the downloaded file is the one you meant to submit.
# (7) We have also provided a checker test for you to run on MarkUs. Click on
# the Automated Testing tab and then Run tests to make sure your code
# passes our simple test case. Go back to step (1) if errors were reported
# and modify your work. You may need to click on some arrows to see all
# of the error report. Note that we will run additional tests when we mark
# your submission.
# NOTE: To test this function, you will need to have your test .txt files
# in the same folder, and those .txt files will need to have the same
# format as the sample_numbers.txt file that you can download from MarkUs.
# You can use the sample_numbers.txt file to test your code, and you should
# also test with some other files to convince yourself your code is working
# correctly.
# Tip: some
# You can try opening your .txt files in Wing101 instead.
# You do not need to submit your .txt files.
from typing import TextIO
def count_odds_from_file(number_file: TextIO) -> list[int]:
"""Return a list of counts of odd numbers in each section of the file
number_file. Each section in number_file begins with a line that contains
only START and ends with a line that contains only END.
Preconditions: each line in number_file is either START, END, or a string
of digits that can be converted to an int.
number_file is properly formatted to contain 0 or more sections structured:
<0 or more lines of numbers>
>>> f = open('sample_numbers.txt')
>>> count_odds_from_file(f)
[1, 0, 2]
>>> f.close()

Step by step
Solved in 3 steps with 1 images

The question is ask odd number,why the answer is even number