Honey bees are visiting two food sites, A and B, at 6 AM in the morning, as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Bees at site A are collecting pollen; those at site B are collecting nectar. When bees from site A return to the nest, they must find a cell in the wax combs and store the pollen (Fig. 3). Bees from site B pass their nectar to young Receiver Bees when they return to the nest (Fig. 4).
19. True or False: If a sudden storm kills many of the foragers while out in the field, the interactions shown in Fig. 4 will be reduced, which will cause the JH titers of some younger bees to decrease so that they remain nurse bees longer to raise replacement foragers.
20. True or False: In honey bee workers, the per gene and the Am-for gene become active gradually as a bee ages, such that younger bees that remain inside the nest are arrhythmic in their behavior and have lower levels of PKG compared to older foragers.

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