Honey bees are visiting two food sites, A and B, at 6 AM in the morning, as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Bees at site A are collecting pollen; those at site B are collecting nectar. When bees from site A return to the nest, they must find a cell in the wax combs and store the pollen (Fig. 3). Bees from site B pass their nectar to young Receiver Bees when they return to the nest (Fig. 4).
16. True or False: In Fig. 4, the forager is passing a pheromone to the young receiver bee that slows the rate of JH increase resulting in the normal progression through the age-based division of labor.
17. True or False: If young bees are prevented from interacting with older bees as shown in Fig. 4, they will have reduced exposure to ethyl oleate, which will result in the upregulation of genes such as Am-for and per, their PKG and PER levels will increase, and they will become precocious foragers.
18. True or False: In Fig. 3, if a pollen forager accidentally loses her pollen pellets, she will immediately cease unloading behavior because her protocerebrum will inhibit the subesophagael ganglion from activating the CPGs for the legs.

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