#define (write a C program expression that effectively replaces the HOME_PAGE constant above by reading an html document with the same code as above in a file called index.html stored in an arbitrary path. You can use this as the given path and I will adjust for my machine. Please note you probably don't need to create the html file only write an expression that can read it. /path/to/file/index.html)
#define HOME_PAGE "<head></head><body><html><h1>Welcome to the CNAI\
Demo Server</h1><p>Why not visit: <ul><li><a href=\"http://netbook.cs.pu\
rdue.edu\">Netbook Home Page</a><li><a href=\"http://www.comerbooks.com\"\
>Comer Books Home Page<a></ul></html></body>\n"
#define (write a C
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
printf (HOME_PAGE);
return 0;

This program will be written in C language. The agenda of this program is to replace the HOME_PAGE constant above by reading an html document in a file called index.html stored in an arbitrary path.
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