Consider the function f(x, y) = y? + x² – 3z + 8 on the closed triangular region with vertices (0, 0), (2,0), (0, 2). ▼ Beskou die funksie f(z, y) = y? + r - 3z +8 op die geslote driehoekige gebied met hoekpunte (0,0), (2,0), (0, 2). The critical point of the function is at /Die kritieke punt van die funksie is by: ( The absolute maximum of the function on the given region is /Die absolute maksimum van die funksie op die gegewe gebied is: at the point /by die punt ( The absolute minimum of the function on the given region is /Die absolute minimum van die funksie op die gegewe gebied is: at the point /by die punt (
Quadratic Equation
When it comes to the concept of polynomial equations, quadratic equations can be said to be a special case. What does solving a quadratic equation mean? We will understand the quadratics and their types once we are familiar with the polynomial equations and their types.
Demand and Supply Function
The concept of demand and supply is important for various factors. One of them is studying and evaluating the condition of an economy within a given period of time. The analysis or evaluation of the demand side factors are important for the suppliers to understand the consumer behavior. The evaluation of supply side factors is important for the consumers in order to understand that what kind of combination of goods or what kind of goods and services he or she should consume in order to maximize his utility and minimize the cost. Therefore, in microeconomics both of these concepts are extremely important in order to have an idea that what exactly is going on in the economy.
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Solved in 3 steps