Chapter 7. PC #16. 2D Array Operations with Additional Requirements Write a program that creates an ArrayList of ArrayList of Doubles. The program should ask the user to enter the filename from the keyboard and validate the file for existence. Once the file is verified, the program should load the two-dimensional ArrayList with test data from the file. Be careful, as some of the files will contain rows with different number of elements. The program should work regardless whether the input data is perfectly rectangular or ragged. The program should have the following methods: • main. Main entry point for the program. • getRowSubtotal. This method should accept a two-dimensional ArrayList as its first argument and an integer as its second argument. The second argument should be the index of the row in the ArrayList. The method should return the subtotal of the values in the specified row. • getColSubtotal. This method should accept a two-dimensional ArrayList as its first argument and an integer as its second argument. The second argument should be the index of the column in the ArrayList. The method should return the subtotal of the values in the specified column. If any of the rows has a size that is less than the column number, then that row should be skipped when calculating the column subtotal. • getTotal. This method should accept a two-dimensional array as its argument and return the total of all the values in the array. Demonstrate each of the methods in this program. PLEASE MAKE THIS PROGRAM WORK SO WHEN I UPLOAD IT TO HYPERGRADE IT PASSES ALL THE TEST CASES. IN THE PROGRAM MAKE SURE THE ANSWERS FOR LENGHTS, HEIGHS AND ARRAY ELEMENTS ARE IN THREE DIGITS AFTER THE DEICIMAL POINT. ALSO, THE PROGRAM MUST DISPLAY THE FOLLOWING OUTPUT FOR TEST CASES 5,6 AND 11 : Please enter the file name or type QUIT to exit:\n badfile.txtENTER File: badfile.txt does not exist.\n Please enter the file name again or type QUIT to exit:\n THE TEST CASES ARE LISTED BELOW AND I HAVE PROVIDED THE FAILED TEST CASES AS A SCREENSHOT. THANK YOU Input1.txt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Input2.txt 555.66 333.44 123.45 778.88 900.00 123.12 234.23 567.98 12.12 Input3.txt 555.66 333.44 123.45 555.66 333.44 123.45 778.88 900.00 123.12 778.88 900.00 123.12 234.23 567.98 12.12 234.23 567.98 12.12 Input4.txt 555.66 333.44 123.45 778.88 900.00 123.12 234.23 567.98 12.12 555.66 333.44 123.45 778.88 900.00 123.12 234.23 567.98 12.12 555.66 333.44 123.45 778.88 900.00 123.12 234.23 567.98 12.12 Input5.txt 555.66 333.44 123.45 555.66 333.44 123.45 778.88 900.00 123.12 778.88 900.00 234.23 567.98 12.12 234.23 Input6.txt 555.66 333.44 123.45 555.66 778.88 900.00 123.12 778.88 900.00 234.23 567.98 12.12 234.23 567.98 12.12 Input7.txt 555.66 333.44 123.45 755.23 778.88 900.00 123.12 234.23 567.98 555.66 778.88 900.00 123.12 999.99 234.23 567.98 12.12 555.66 333.44 778.88 234.23 567.98 12.12 987.65 432.11 820.17 Input8.txt 55.66 778.88 900.00 234.23 567.98 333.44 555.66 123.45 755.23 888.88 778.88 900.00 123.12 999.99 777.77 778.88 900.00 123.12 999.99 777.77 666.66 778.88 900.00 123.12 999.99 777.77 555.55 444.44 778.88 900.00 123.12 999.99 777.77 333.33 222.22 111.11 Test Case 1 Please enter the file name or type QUIT to exit:\n quitENTER Test Case 2 Please enter the file name or type QUIT to exit:\n QUITENTER Test Case 5 Please enter the file name or type QUIT to exit:\n badfile.txtENTER File: badfile.txt does not exist.\n Please enter the file name again or type QUIT to exit:\n quitENTER Test Case 6 Please enter the file name or type QUIT to exit:\n badfile.txtENTER File: badfile.txt does not exist.\n Please enter the file name again or type QUIT to exit:\n QUITENTER Test Case 11 Please enter the file name or type QUIT to exit:\n badfile.txtENTER File: badfile.txt does not exist.\n Please enter the file name again or type QUIT to exit:\n badfile2.txtENTER File: badfile2.txt does not exist.\n Please enter the file name again or type QUIT to exit:\n input3.txtENTER Row 0 Length: 6, Subtotal: 2025.100\n Row 1 Length: 6, Subtotal: 3604.000\n Row 2 Length: 6, Subtotal: 1628.660\n Column 0 Height: 3, Subtotal: 1568.770\n Column 1 Height: 3, Subtotal: 1801.420\n Column 2 Height: 3, Subtotal: 258.690\n Column 3 Height: 3, Subtotal: 1568.770\n Column 4 Height: 3, Subtotal: 1801.420\n Column 5 Height: 3, Subtotal: 258.690\n Array Elements: 18, Total: 7257.760\n
Chapter 7. PC #16. 2D Array Operations with Additional Requirements
File: badfile.txt does not exist.\n
Please enter the file name again or type QUIT to exit:\n
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
555.66 333.44 123.45
778.88 900.00 123.12
234.23 567.98 12.12
555.66 333.44 123.45 555.66 333.44 123.45
778.88 900.00 123.12 778.88 900.00 123.12
234.23 567.98 12.12 234.23 567.98 12.12
555.66 333.44 123.45
778.88 900.00 123.12
234.23 567.98 12.12
555.66 333.44 123.45
778.88 900.00 123.12
234.23 567.98 12.12
555.66 333.44 123.45
778.88 900.00 123.12
234.23 567.98 12.12
555.66 333.44 123.45 555.66 333.44 123.45
778.88 900.00 123.12 778.88 900.00
234.23 567.98 12.12 234.23
555.66 333.44 123.45 555.66
778.88 900.00 123.12 778.88 900.00
234.23 567.98 12.12 234.23 567.98 12.12
555.66 333.44 123.45 755.23
778.88 900.00 123.12
234.23 567.98
778.88 900.00 123.12 999.99
234.23 567.98 12.12
555.66 333.44
234.23 567.98 12.12 987.65 432.11
778.88 900.00
234.23 567.98 333.44
555.66 123.45 755.23 888.88
778.88 900.00 123.12 999.99 777.77
778.88 900.00 123.12 999.99 777.77 666.66
778.88 900.00 123.12 999.99 777.77 555.55 444.44
778.88 900.00 123.12 999.99 777.77 333.33 222.22 111.11
Test Case 1
Test Case 2
Test Case 5
File: badfile.txt does not exist.\n
Please enter the file name again or type QUIT to exit:\n
Test Case 6
File: badfile.txt does not exist.\n
Please enter the file name again or type QUIT to exit:\n
Test Case 11
File: badfile.txt does not exist.\n
Please enter the file name again or type QUIT to exit:\n
File: badfile2.txt does not exist.\n
Please enter the file name again or type QUIT to exit:\n
Row 0 Length: 6, Subtotal: 2025.100\n
Row 1 Length: 6, Subtotal: 3604.000\n
Row 2 Length: 6, Subtotal: 1628.660\n
Column 0 Height: 3, Subtotal: 1568.770\n
Column 1 Height: 3, Subtotal: 1801.420\n
Column 2 Height: 3, Subtotal: 258.690\n
Column 3 Height: 3, Subtotal: 1568.770\n
Column 4 Height: 3, Subtotal: 1801.420\n
Column 5 Height: 3, Subtotal: 258.690\n
Array Elements: 18, Total: 7257.760\n

Step by step
Solved in 3 steps with 10 images