Changes in macroeconomic indicators can often be of relevance to business and influence decision-making concerning a range of issues related to things like profit forecasts, expected sales growth, expansion plans, etc. Assume you are employed as a business analyst with a large Singaporean based multinational corporation that manufactures electronic products. Identify and discuss how a major export market where electronic goods are sold experiences accelerating inflation.
Changes in
Assume you are employed as a business analyst with a large Singaporean based multinational corporation that manufactures electronic products. Identify and discuss how a major export market where electronic goods are sold experiences accelerating inflation.

Changes in macroeconomic indicators can often be of relevance to business and influence decision-making concerning a range of issues related to things like profit forecasts, expected sales growth, expansion plans, etc.
Inflation is one such indicator that affects businesses in many ways.
Inflation: it refers to the rise in the average price of the basket of goods and services over a period of time.
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