Cause of the Great Depression How did WW1 impact the demand for farming in the United States? While it seems to make sense to produce as much of a product as possible, why was overproduction bad for farmers? What role did buying farm equipment on credit have on farmers? Problems with Farms and Agriculture Read the "Farmers Face Challenges After World War l" section on page 518 of your textbook. alo to
Cause of the Great Depression How did WW1 impact the demand for farming in the United States? While it seems to make sense to produce as much of a product as possible, why was overproduction bad for farmers? What role did buying farm equipment on credit have on farmers? Problems with Farms and Agriculture Read the "Farmers Face Challenges After World War l" section on page 518 of your textbook. alo to
Related questions
read the paragraph and answer the super easy question

Transcribed Image Text:Cause of the Great
How did WW1 impact the demand
for farming in the United States?
While it seems to make sense
to produce as much of a
product as possible, why was
overproduction bad for
What role did buying farm
equipment on credit have on
Problems with Farms
and Agriculture
Read the "Farmers Face
Challenges After World
War l" section on page 518
of your textbook.
Name: Vilanıdu AL.

Transcribed Image Text:future
Distribution, 1929
a ws o
OTop 5%% of income Earners
Remaining 95% of income
of money
workforce during the decade
Mechanized farm equipment became more common
during the 1920s, but many farmers atill used basic
equipment such as this horse-drawn plow.
From the overproduction of the struggling farme
the underconsumption of the lower-income indus
worker, deep-seated problems created ecor
instability. Too many Americans did not have e
money to buy what they needed or wanted.
Gimply became less poor.
aw periods of the country's history have so small
owed banks and other institutions
LA o of rich Americans dominated such a large
Americans Rely on Credit For a time, the es
of credit partially hid this problem. America
automobiles, appliances, radios, and other
credit. Using the installment plan, they p
percentage down and the rest over a peric
or vears. By the end of the decade, 80 pero
and 60 percent of cars were purchased c
the wealthiest 1 percent of the population
ekaabout the same amount of money as the bottom
42 percent.
loeven Distribution of Wealth Creates Problems
Thie uneven distribution of the nation's wealth
problems. More than 60 percent of
l American families had yearly incomes of less than
2000 per year. In contrast, 24,000 of the country's
making such stock purchases on marg
Americans accumulated more debt. In
had feared debt and put off buying goc
all of the cash to pay for those items.
America's struggling farmers first and hardeet
Americans even bought stoc
A Significant Gap Between the Rich and the
Poor Unlike farmers, industrial workers participated
in the great national success story. During the 190
their wages rose steadily, as did their dispogahle
income. Many purchased Model T Fords along with
variety of other consumer products. Though they wers
certainly not wealthy, industrial laborers were ina
better financial position than their fathers had been a
nalthiest families enjoyed annual incomes of more
chan $100,000, which was 50 times more than what
most families were earning. But these wealthy families
did not eat 50 times more food than lower-income
families. The wealthiest households did not purchase
60 times more automobiles or radios or ovens. The rich
undoubtedly spent a lot on consumer products. The
problem was that the wealthiest few could not buy
enough to keep the economy booming.
A healthy economy needs more people to buy more
products, which in turn creates even more wealth. In this
Easy credit changed this behavio
But the growing credit burden coulc
of Americans living beyond their m
before the economy imploded.
2 RECALL What problem did
World War I?
generation before.
But the problem was that while wages rose gradualy
worker productivity increased astronomically. Between
1923 and 1929, output per person-hour jumped 2
percent, but workers' wages inched up only 8 percent
During that same period, corporate profits from wode
output skyrocketed 65 percent. All these figu
The gap between rich and poor widened in the 1920s;
= wealthy built large homes and began to fill them
ch lavish furnishings.
way, a bealthy economy avoids underconsumption that
pointed to 1920s, the rich
economic to
became much, much while workers
percentage of the total wealth. In 1929, for
4nalyze n 1929 did the 5 percent of earners for?
can limit economic growth. The uneven distribution of
wealth in the 1920s pointed to an uncertain future for
the American economy.
US there eigna
amassed huge debts doing this, the
y husand So of 200
Graphs on in what of total
13.1 Causes of the De
Expert Solution

Step 1
The 1920s were a difficult time for the farmers in America. During this period, the American workforce was more focused on farmers. Framers were forced to produce more food and the situation got worse.
Costs became too high and farm incomes were unmanageable. People suffered a lot due to the high-cost rates.
Step by step
Solved in 2 steps