lights or whatever you wanna call'em on the back of- (thuh-/wuh-) I: dunno whatchu call'em [(there's-) (.) the= [Well if lights are o:n on the rear end too .h[hh [.hhhh W'l if it izn't (.) ugh if it's only been there a short time, it doesn't really sound too suspicious they could be waitin' to pick somebody up, or drop som:eb'dy off, or (1.8) Yeh I don't know exactly know how long its been there m:inutes wise, but I know its been sittin' here fur sh 1- little bit. (0.7) 57 58 59 911: 60 CLR: 61 911: 62 63 64 65 66 CLR: 67 68 69 CLR: 70 71 72 73 911: 74 CLR: 75 76 911: 77 78 CLR: 79 911: Mm hm bye 80 ((receiver down)) It's jus' makin' me nervous ez it's sittin' there not knowin' u if: () .hhhh what it- what's in- if:- anything's wrong or what, you know. (0.5) mt .hh Okay (h) ( ) Send somebody around to check maybe, (.) Alright. (1.0) Alright. Car with Headlights Minneapolis p'lice an' fire, (0.5) P'lice please, (0.2) 1 911: 2 3 clr: 4 5 911: Go ahead, 6 CLR: 7 8 9 10 11 12 .hhh Yeah uh: I live at twenty seven:- (0.3) twenty fi:ve Aldridge: s-s:outh, and .hhhh Uh: there's a car sittin' across th'street from the house 'n: I: can't tell from here fr'm >where I am< .hhh kinda hard- (0.2) hard t's:ee I dunno: (.) it's been kinda s::picious, it's sittin' ere 'th its headlights on: 'n: everything else 'n I don't know 'f (.) anybody ehf they forgot to (.) turn 'em o:ff, or if somebody jus: sittin'ere watchin' th'house, or what (ih but) it's makin' me nervous. .hhhhh= How long has it been there. (.) Uh: its been there fer::: 1- a short time only, hhhh hhh I didn' see who it was that got (out.=but) 't's: white with- with a black to:p(h), .hhh h[h [The car uh: 's=white with black top, Right. hhhh .hhhh (.) Well jus' kinda wonderin' uh- I don't know who: ih:f it- which: neighbor is it b'longs to, or what it- (.) maybe they just got out of it 'n: .hhh a:n: uh: (.) 1:eft their headlights on or somethin'. n:= =W'y() you: have you looked to see whether anybody's in it? (.) Naw: I can't really tell from over here an' I've go- oh I've got kids in bed so I can't- w'I don' wanna walk ou- I don' wanna leave 'em unattended. (.) .hh[h [(But) if you saw the color I was wonderin' if you saw if anybody's in it. (0.2) 13 14 15 911: 16 17 CLR: 18 19 ( ) : 20 CLR: 21 22 23 911: 24 CLR: 25 26 27 28 911: 29 30 CLR: 31 32 33 911: 34 35 36 CLR: 37 38 911: 39 CLR: 40 (0.5) 41 42 CLR: 43 (0.4) 44 ( ) : .h hhhh 45 911: 46 47 911: Okay and uh ((keyboard)) (1.5) .hhh What's your name, 48 (0.5) 49 CLR: Harkness. 50 (0.5) 51 911: Harkness, 52 (0.2) 53 CLR: Uhuh, 54 (3.0) 55 911: 56 CLR: It's jus' sitting there with the headlights on huh(h), Yeah jus' sittin' there with the headlights on, all the tail Well I can see here from a window but I can't tell if there: i:s or not. hhh= .hhh Wha::t- (.) apartmen are you in there h[h ((keyboard [clicking)) [Downstairs there's a duplex. [One.
911 Emergency Call Analysis
A 911 call recording is on the class website, and the transcript is on the next pages.
Analyze this 911 call in terms of the following three issues:
1) Briefly parse the call's overall structure, identifying each phase by activity and line number(s). For instance: Opening phase (lines?-?), request (lines ?-?), etc.
2)Focusing on the request, comment on: (a) the form of the request (e.g., explicit request, problem description, etc.); and (b) the stance the caller takes as to whether or not there really is a problem warranting the police, and how this stance or viewpoint is made manifest in the request's design.
3)Focusing on the call-taker's questions, which ones are primarily investigative rather than routine? Ignore the questions that seem to be doing both; concentrate on those that are exclusively or primarily occupied with determining whether the problem is genuine and "policeable." Briefly justify your selections, and comment also on any that stand out as particularly "skeptical."
4)Focusing on phase 4 of the call, does this phase differ from the conventional examples seen in lectures and readings? How so, and how might this be related to what you observed in answering questions #2 and #3 above?

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps