can you create a website about a casino restaurant it would be a fake restaurant. the name of the restaurant would be Alpha Casino. also can you make a logo, and put it up on the top. left conner of the screen. for the home page put home, menu, checkout on the top right of the screen. and hyper link it so its easy to click on one another. also for the home add 3 column layout reading : the picture of a casino, home, menu, checkout, Welcome to Alpha Casino. about us: tell about how the restaurant came to be. tell the person/ costumers about the restaurant. contact information: number, address, email. just the contact information needed for the menu, please add a html table, that includes item name, discription, price, and any special dietary information. add your own food items to the menu and later ill change it. also make a button for the purchases, so when you click on the order it would later add out of your checkout option that total cost for the food they ordered. last the checkout section please list name, address, card information, and email. to the checkout page. also make it say the total amount of your order after that make a button that says submit Order. after you click on that button it should say order as been sent. hope you do well, on this best of luck.
can you create a website about a casino restaurant it would be a fake restaurant. the name of the restaurant would be Alpha Casino. also can you make a logo, and put it up on the top. left conner of the screen. for the home page put home, menu, checkout on the top right of the screen. and hyper link it so its easy to click on one another. also for the home add 3 column layout reading :
the picture of a casino, home, menu, checkout, Welcome to Alpha Casino. |
about us: tell about how the restaurant came to be. tell the person/ costumers about the restaurant. |
contact information: number, address, email. just the contact information needed |
for the menu, please add a html table, that includes item name, discription, price, and any special dietary information.
add your own food items to the menu and later ill change it. also make a button for the purchases, so when you click on the order it would later add out of your checkout option that total cost for the food they ordered. last the checkout section please list name, address, card information, and email. to the checkout page. also make it say the total amount of your order after that make a button that says submit Order. after you click on that button it should say order as been sent.
hope you do well, on this best of luck.

Step by step
Solved in 6 steps with 2 images