Can u show me the out put of this assembly language with different in put please INCLUDE .stack 4096 ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword .data ; strings(texts) for prompts prompt_1st_int BYTE "Please enter the first integer: ",0 prompt_2nd_int BYTE "Please enter the second integer: ",0 prompt_text_color BYTE "Please pick the text color (1=blue, 2=green, 4=red, or any number from 0-15): ",0 prompt_proverb BYTE "Please teach me a proverb: ",0 response_str BYTE "The proverb I just learned: ", 0 ; strings(texts) for output labels/descriptions dec_sum_str BYTE "The sum in DEC is: ",0 hex_sum_str BYTE "The sum in HEX is: ",0 memory_dump_str BYTE "Memory Dump with operand_1, _2, and sum: ",0 ; variables definitions operand_1 SDWORD ? operand_2 SDWORD ? sum SDWORD ? color_code DWORD ? aString BYTE 80 DUP(0), 0 .code main proc ;prompt the 1st number input mov edx, OFFSET prompt_1st_int call WriteString ; set input text color, "yellow" is a pre-define constant, in the Irvine library mov eax, yellow call SetTextColor ; read input call ReadInt mov operand_1, eax ; reset text color, "white" is a pre-define constant, in the Irvine library mov eax, white call SetTextColor ;prompt the 2nd number input mov edx,offset prompt_2nd_int call WriteString ; set input text color to yellow mov eax, yellow call SetTextColor ; read input call ReadInt mov operand_2, eax call Crlf ; reset text color to white mov eax, white call SetTextColor ; prompt "output text color" selection mov edx,offset prompt_text_color call WriteString ; set input text color mov eax, yellow call SetTextColor ; read the color choice call ReadInt mov color_code, eax call Crlf ; reset text color to white mov eax,white call SetTextColor ; add the inputs, then save it to sum mov eax, operand_1 add eax,operand_2 ; save sum mov sum,eax ; display sum in DEC mov edx, OFFSET dec_sum_str call WriteString ; set text color mov eax, color_code call SetTextColor ; display sum mov eax, sum call WriteInt call Crlf ; reset text color to white mov eax, white call SetTextColor ; display sum in HEX mov edx, OFFSET hex_sum_str call WriteString ; set text color mov eax, color_code call SetTextColor mov eax, sum call WriteHex call Crlf ; reset text color to white mov eax, white call SetTextColor ; display memory dump mov edx, OFFSET memory_dump_str call WriteString ; set text color mov eax, color_code call SetTextColor ;dump the memories of operand_1, 2 and sum mov esi, OFFSET operand_1 mov ecx, LENGTHOF operand_1 + LENGTHOF operand_2 + LENGTHOF sum mov ebx, TYPE operand_1 call DumpMem call Crlf call Crlf ; reset text color to white mov eax, white call SetTextColor ; prompt proverb mov edx, OFFSET prompt_proverb call WriteString ; set input text color mov eax,yellow ; read string mov ecx, SIZEOF aString - 1 mov edx, OFFSET aString call ReadString call Crlf ; reset text color to white mov eax, white call SetTextColor ; display learned string mov edx, OFFSET response_str call WriteString mov eax,yellow ; set text color mov eax, color_code call SetTextColor mov edx, OFFSET aString call WriteString call Crlf call Crlf ; reset text color to white mov eax, white call SetTextColor invoke ExitProcess,0 main endp end main
Can u show me the out put of this assembly language with different in put please
.stack 4096
ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword
; strings(texts) for prompts
prompt_1st_int BYTE "Please enter the first integer: ",0
prompt_2nd_int BYTE "Please enter the second integer: ",0
prompt_text_color BYTE "Please pick the text color (1=blue, 2=green, 4=red, or any number from 0-15): ",0
prompt_proverb BYTE "Please teach me a proverb: ",0
response_str BYTE "The proverb I just learned: ", 0
; strings(texts) for output labels/descriptions
dec_sum_str BYTE "The sum in DEC is: ",0
hex_sum_str BYTE "The sum in HEX is: ",0
memory_dump_str BYTE "Memory Dump with operand_1, _2, and sum: ",0
; variables definitions
operand_1 SDWORD ?
operand_2 SDWORD ?
sum SDWORD ?
color_code DWORD ?
aString BYTE 80 DUP(0), 0
main proc
;prompt the 1st number input
mov edx, OFFSET prompt_1st_int
call WriteString
; set input text color, "yellow" is a pre-define constant, in the Irvine library
mov eax, yellow
call SetTextColor
; read input
call ReadInt
mov operand_1, eax
; reset text color, "white" is a pre-define constant, in the Irvine library
mov eax, white
call SetTextColor
;prompt the 2nd number input
mov edx,offset prompt_2nd_int
call WriteString
; set input text color to yellow
mov eax, yellow
call SetTextColor
; read input
call ReadInt
mov operand_2, eax
call Crlf
; reset text color to white
mov eax, white
call SetTextColor
; prompt "output text color" selection
mov edx,offset prompt_text_color
call WriteString
; set input text color
mov eax, yellow
call SetTextColor
; read the color choice
call ReadInt
mov color_code, eax
call Crlf
; reset text color to white
mov eax,white
call SetTextColor
; add the inputs, then save it to sum
mov eax, operand_1
add eax,operand_2
; save sum
mov sum,eax
; display sum in DEC
mov edx, OFFSET dec_sum_str
call WriteString
; set text color
mov eax, color_code
call SetTextColor
; display sum
mov eax, sum
call WriteInt
call Crlf
; reset text color to white
mov eax, white
call SetTextColor
; display sum in HEX
mov edx, OFFSET hex_sum_str
call WriteString
; set text color
mov eax, color_code
call SetTextColor
mov eax, sum
call WriteHex
call Crlf
; reset text color to white
mov eax, white
call SetTextColor
; display memory dump
mov edx, OFFSET memory_dump_str
call WriteString
; set text color
mov eax, color_code
call SetTextColor
;dump the memories of operand_1, 2 and sum
mov esi, OFFSET operand_1
mov ecx, LENGTHOF operand_1 + LENGTHOF operand_2 + LENGTHOF sum
mov ebx, TYPE operand_1
call DumpMem
call Crlf
call Crlf
; reset text color to white
mov eax, white
call SetTextColor
; prompt proverb
mov edx, OFFSET prompt_proverb
call WriteString
; set input text color
mov eax,yellow
; read string
mov ecx, SIZEOF aString - 1
mov edx, OFFSET aString
call ReadString
call Crlf
; reset text color to white
mov eax, white
call SetTextColor
; display learned string
mov edx, OFFSET response_str
call WriteString
mov eax,yellow
; set text color
mov eax, color_code
call SetTextColor
mov edx, OFFSET aString
call WriteString
call Crlf
call Crlf
; reset text color to white
mov eax, white
call SetTextColor
invoke ExitProcess,0
main endp
end main

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