Because electron is lighter that the nuclei by a factor of 2000 and there are different timescales for nuclear and electron motions, based on Born-Oppenheimer approximation the two motions can be decoupled. Then nuclei may be treated as stationary while electrons move around them. Select one: True False
Q: A PET scan detects the product of positron electron annihilation. A positron and an electron…
A: Concept used: Positron and electron are fermions whereas photons are bosons. Law of conservation of…
Q: The kinetic energy EK of electrons ejected from atoms, in which they have a binding energy or…
Q: what potential is needed for electron to go from rest to gamma = 6
Q: An isotope of beryllium (atomic mass of 7.017 u) emits a y ray and recoils with a speed of 1.07 x…
A: Solution: Given: 1 u = 1.6605 x 10-27 kg h = Planck's constant = 6.63 x 10-34 J.s m = mass of Be…
Q: What does the number of lines on the emission spectrum tell us about the electron decays for the…
A: Introduction: The atomic emission spectrum is the pattern of lines formed when it passes through the…
Q: An alpha particle has a matter wavelength of 1.89 mA. Calculate its speed.
Q: Use the energy conservation and the angular momentum conservation to find the distance of closest…
A: Given data are
Q: The nuclear radii of aluminum and gold are approximately r= 3.6 fm and 7.0 fm, respectively. The…
A: Given: Nuclear radius of Aluminium is ra=3.6fm Nuclear radius of gold is rg =7fm Radius of proton is…
Q: 2. A golf cart battery holds about 1 kWh of energy. At an open air concert, the band uses the golf…
A: As per the guidelines we can solve only first question among multiple questions.Given, the energy of…
Q: Why do we say that ∆t= h/(2 ∆E) is a lower-bound estimate of the lifetime of an atomic state? Why…
A: According to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the product of the uncertainty of position Δx and…
Q: Using the Thomson model, estimate the average scatter- ing angle when alpha particles (z = 2) with…
A: As per Thomson's model of the atom, an atom is a positive sphere with electrons embedded in it.…
Q: Electrons in higher orbits (farther from the nucleus) have than orbits closer to the nucleus. O the…
Q: Assume that an atomic nucleus can be thought of as a three-dimensional box with a width of 2 x…
Q: Q1. Consider a nucleon (particle) moving in 1D and trapped between two hard walls. The potential is…
Q: Mathematically explain the physics behind chemotherapy and how particle and photon radiation is used…
A: In chemotherapy, a patient is administered particle and photon radiation to the affected cells.
Q: A Deuterium nucleus is accelerated to a velocity v = 0,9c on a trajectory described by the equation…
A: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4:
Q: What must the width of the box be for the ground-level energy to be 5.0 MeV, a typical value for the…
A: Energy Eigenvalue: For the particle of the mass m, bound to the nucleus in a box of width L, its…
Q: 3.) A beam of electrons with energy 250 MeV is elastically scattered through an angle of 10° by a…
Q: What is the difference between γ rays and characteristic x rays? Is either necessarily more…
A: The origination of the Gamma rays and x rays are difference. Gamma rays originate from nucleus. When…
Q: Q#1 (a)(i)A thermal neutron has a speed v at temperature T = 300 K and kinetic energy m = 3 KT…
Q: By using the principle of accuracy, he proved the impossibility of the electron being inside the…
Q: The K? x rays arising from a cobalt (Z = 27) target have a wavelength of about 179pm. The atomic…
A: Given,The wavelength when it rise, According to Moseley law,
Because electron is lighter that the nuclei by a factor of 2000 and there are different timescales for nuclear and electron motions, based on Born-Oppenheimer approximation the two motions can be decoupled. Then nuclei may be treated as stationary while electrons move around them.

Answer: The given statement is True.
Step by step
Solved in 2 steps

- 2. Protons with energy 1.0MeV scatter off a fixed spherical potential whose range is known to be a = 10-¹3 cm. The total elastic scattering cross section o and the differential cross section do/d are measured to a precision of about one percent. (a) Assuming that the energy is not near any resonance of the potential, show that the only phase shifts that can be reliably determined from the data are do and 6₁. (b) Given the experimental value o = = (10.5 ± 0.1) × 10-26 cm² and the values for do/dn listed in the table (one percent accuracy), determine do and 8₁. (Do not worry about the errors in your values for do or $₁. (deg) | dold_2 (10-26 cm²) O 1.232 45 90 135 180 1.103 0.823 0.585 0.49914:56 Sun 19 May 2 of 8 SECTION A Answer ALL questions in Section A Expect to use about half a page for each section A solution. Question A1 Give the term used in condensed matter physics for each of the following: a) The centre of the Brillouin zone [1 mark] b) A method for generating a neutron beam by bombarding a heavy metal target with protons [1 mark] c) The group of atoms associated with each lattice point in a crystal structure d) The Fourier transform of the lattice of a crystal [1 mark] [1 mark] e) A vibrational mode whose frequency tends to zero as the wavevector approaches zero [1 mark] f) A model of electronic structure in which electrons move in a weak, periodic potential and do not interact with each other by the Coulomb force [1 mark] Question A2 The body-centred cubic structure is common among metals. a) How many nearest neighbours has each atom in this structure? Give the nearest-neighbour distance in terms of the unit cell parameter a. [2 marks] b)…An isotope of beryllium (atomic mass of 7.017 u) emits a y ray and recoils with a speed of 1.54 × 104 m/s. Assuming that the isotope is stationary to begin with, find the wavelength of the y ray. min Before emission VBe After emission
- If an average of 10000 photons are detected per mm2 the probability of detecting between 9800 and 10200 counts in any exposed mm2 is approximately: a) 59 b) 75 c) 89 d) 95 e) 99Whilst the vast majority of alpha particles passed through the gold foil with little or no deviation, a small fraction of them were scattered through larger angles, some even backwards. Commenting on these findings Rutherford wrote “It was almost as incredible as if you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you.” Explain the implications of Rutherford’s results for models of atomic structureProve using the uncertainty principle that an electron cannot exist inside a nucleus.
- 121. (a) Estimate the ground state energy of an electron in an atom by treating it as if it were in an infinite square well (1D) of width equal to an atomic diameter of 10-10 m. (b) Estimate the ground state energy of an a particle in a nucleus by treating it as if it were in an infinite square well (1D) of width equal to a nuclear diameter of 10-14 Estimate the ground state energy of an electron in a nucleus by treating it as if it were in an infinite square well (1D) of width equal to a nuclear diameter of 10¬14 m. m. (c)L: 3. What would have happened if neutrons had been used in Rutherford experiment? Explain your answer.During nuclear decay a^238 U atom can break apart into a helium -4 atom and one other atomAssuming that no subatomic particles are destroyed during this decay process, what the other element produced ?