Agents of SocializationPick
Article Review âAgents of SocializationPick ONE area of socialization that is of interest to you. You do not need to do all of them. The 6 areas of socialization below are examples.1. Socialization and Media2. Socialization and Religion3. Socialization and School and Youth4. Socialization and Peers5. Socialization and Family6. Socialization and SportsDue: Week 4Format for paper: Requirements for paper: Minimum 500-550 words (2 pages minimum, double spaced, 1″ margins 12 point font. Make a separate title page with Title of Article, course, date, your name (APA format). Be sure to include a reference page.Begin each section of your paper with the following headings (in bold) or points will be deducted:⢠Main Purpose of the Study (paragraph)⢠Method (Explain who was used in the study and how was the study conducted-focus groups, individual interviews, survey, etc.)⢠Summary of main findings (this is the main body of your paper)⢠Conclusions from the study⢠Reflections (consider your own life; give an example of how this socializing agent may have shaped you or someone you know)Be sure to post your paper twice, once in the assignment to be graded in Week 4, as well as post in the discussion forum and respond to each others’ papers by discussing what you learned about each topic. Failure to post your paper in both places will result in only half credit for this assignment.Directions for locating an article: You are to use the BVU library data bases.Go to the BVU library.⢠Click on “Find Articles” under Research Tools.⢠Click on “All Data Bases.”⢠Click on “Academic Search Complete.” You will be asked to log in.⢠Once you are on the Ebsco page, at the top of the page, click on “Choose Data Bases.”⢠Check “select” which will include all available data bases.⢠Check “OK.”⢠In the first elongated box, type in the word socialization.⢠In the second box after “AND” type in your selected agent of socialization.⢠Be sure to also check “Peer Reviewed Journals,” and “English, “and “Full text.”

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