Piss Christ aka Immersion (1987) by Andre Serrano 3. Andres Serrano's Piss Christ (1987) depicts the crucifixion of Jesus submerged in a clear container of the artist's urine. For close to 30 years the work has sparked numerous debates. Address the following questions. Each answer or response should be 4+ sentences each. a. What is the content of the artwork? In your opinion, is Serrano's work respectable or immoral art? Argue your position, and state why. b. To whom do religious symbols and images belong? And who has the right to determine the way in which it can be displayed or used in art? c. Freedom of express comes at a very high price. It challenges people beliefs, culture, and ideas. What do you think? a
Piss Christ aka Immersion (1987) by Andre Serrano 3. Andres Serrano's Piss Christ (1987) depicts the crucifixion of Jesus submerged in a clear container of the artist's urine. For close to 30 years the work has sparked numerous debates. Address the following questions. Each answer or response should be 4+ sentences each. a. What is the content of the artwork? In your opinion, is Serrano's work respectable or immoral art? Argue your position, and state why. b. To whom do religious symbols and images belong? And who has the right to determine the way in which it can be displayed or used in art? c. Freedom of express comes at a very high price. It challenges people beliefs, culture, and ideas. What do you think? a
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