A sorted dictionary must use search keys that belong to a class that implements the interface Sortable Equals Comparable Searchable
Q: #include #include #include using namespace std; struct Student{ string firstName; string…
A: 1st error: You close the class before the gpacalculation function so that’s why code shows the…
Q: Explain how pointer work with classes and structs.
A: Note: To implement the pointer with classes and structure ,we use C++ code: Pointer with structs: A…
Q: Scores Class Write a class named Scores which should have the following attribute: • _scores (a list…
A: Below is the required code in python and sample output:
Q: class TenNums { private: int *p; public: TenNums
A: Dear Student, The answer to your question is given below -
Q: // CONSTANT // static const int MAX_SIZE = ____ // IntSet::MAX_SIZE is the highest # of…
A: Hello student
Q: data member numCalories with a value read from input. Then, assign Ham and Cheese's data member…
A: Dear Student, The completed code is given below -
Q: Please help me C++ language
A: import java.text.DecimalFormat; /** * class that holds all grade objects for course */public class…
Q: Part 2. fill Method Define a method in simpy named fill. Its purpose is to fill a simpy's values…
Q: Your colleague wrote some code that works on their local environment (Debug.cpp ) but is now trying…
A: The first method : By including main method : #ifndef DEBUG_H#define DEBUG_H#include…
Q: Object Oriented Programing: Create a class template for a class named GeneralStackthat holds • A…
A: Templates are the foundation of generic programming, which involves writing code in a way that is…
Q: Define a Student class and its child class HS_Student and MS_Student. ◆ HS_Student: name (string),…
A: Step 1: Declare class Student with members name and grade. Step 2: Declare class HS_Student with…
Q: Using C++, design a class named sortedArray. In this class include three data members: capacity,…
A: Required language is C++
Q: True or False The objects of a class can be stored in an array, but not in a List.
A: The answer to this question is False.
Q: Remove is a function that has been defined.
A: Given Remove function in a programming language
Q: The UML diagram for a class you want to use lists the following constructor: + Tree(type: String,…
A: The solution for the above given question is given below:
Q: 2. Modify the arrayListType by adding a member function that will slice the list. Slicing is the…
A: The C++ code is given below with output screenshot

Step by step
Solved in 3 steps

- C++ program Reverse Phone Book you are given map<string,int> object named phone_book. write a program that produces a map<int,set<string>> object from it named reverse_phone_book.The data is that for each phone number, the reverse phone book contains all the names who have that phone number.Write a C#program that uses a class called ClassRegistration as outlined below: The ClassRegistration class is responsible for keeping track of the student id numbers for students that register for a particular class. Each class has a maximum number of students that it can accommodate. Responsibilities of the ClassRegistration class: It is responsible for storing the student id numbers for a particular class (in an array of integers) It is responsible for adding new student id numbers to this list (returns boolean) It is responsible for checking if a student id is in the list (returns a boolean) It is responsible for getting a list of all students in the class (returns a string). It is responsible for returning the number of students registered for the class (returns an integer) It is responsible for returning the maximum number of students the class is allowed (returns an integer) It is responsible for returning the name of the class. (returns a string) ClassRegistration -…struct remove_from_front_of_vector { // Function takes no parameters, removes the book at the front of a vector, // and returns nothing. void operator()(const Book& unused) { (/// TO-DO (12) ||||| // // // Write the lines of code to remove the book at the front of "my_vector". // // Remember, attempting to remove an element from an empty data structure is // a logic error. Include code to avoid that. //// END-TO-DO (12) /||, } std::vector& my_vector; };
- using C++ 1- Creates a class called Member with two integer x and y.a. Add a constructor able to create a Member object with tow integers and the default values 0,0.b. Add the methods setX and setY to modify the attributes x and y; [2 Markc. Add the method display able to display the attributes. 2- A Stack is a special array where the insertion and deletion will be via a specific index called "head". A Stack is characterized by 3 attributes:a. capacity (int): the maximum number element Member that can be contained into the Stack.b. head: presents the index where we can add/remove element to the Stack. The head value presents also the current number of elements into the Stack. When a Stack is created the initial value of head is 0.c. Member content[]: an array of elements of type Member. Creates the class Stack with the following methods:a. bool empty(): this method returns true if no element exists in the Stack. b. bool full(): this method returns true if there are no place to add a…MemoryManagerFirstFit The MemoryManagerFirstFit class is derived from the MemoryManagerBase class. Based on the TODO entries in memory_manager_first_fit.h and memory_manager_first_fit.cpp, implement the functions as instructed. memory_manager_first_fit.cpp #include "memory_manager_first_fit.h" #include using namespace std; MemoryManagerFirstFit::MemoryManagerFirstFit(int size) { // Set up the list of memory blocks with the info for this initial // unallocated block. memory_block b; // TODO: Fill in the appropriate values here based on the data elements // you added in the header file. // Add the block to the list of blocks m_blocks.push_back(b); } // Allocate a block of memory of the given size // We will walk through our current list of blocks and // find the block with the first fit. int MemoryManagerFirstFit::allocate(int size, string name) { // TODO: Implement the allocate logic here // // Iterate through the current list of blocks // and find the first one that is big enough…Matrix.h #include <iostream>#include <iomanip>using namespace std; #ifndef MATRIX_H#define MATRIX_Hclass Matrix{ friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Matrix& srcMatrix);public: Matrix(); // initialize Matrix class object with rowN=1, colN=1, and zero value Matrix(const int rN,const int cN ); // initialize Matrix class object with row number rN, col number cN and zero values Matrix(const Matrix &srcMatrix ); // initialize Matrix class object with another Matrix class object Matrix(const int rN, const int cN, const float *srcPtr); // initialize Matrix class object with row number rN, col number cN and a pointer to an array const float * getData()const; // create a temp pointer and copy the array values which data pointer points, // then returns temp. int getRowN()const; // returns rowN int getColN()const; // returns colN void print()const; // prints the Matrix object in rowNxcolN form Matrix…
- Write a C# program that uses a class called ClassRegistration as outlined below: The ClassRegistration class is responsible for keeping track of the student id numbers for students that register for a particular class. Each class has a maximum number of students that it can accommodate. Responsibilities of the ClassRegistration class: It is responsible for storing the student id numbers for a particular class (in an array of integers) It is responsible for adding new student id numbers to this list (returns boolean) It is responsible for checking if a student id is in the list (returns a boolean) It is responsible for getting a list of all students in the class (returns a string). It is responsible for returning the number of students registered for the class (returns an integer) It is responsible for returning the maximum number of students the class is allowed (returns an integer) It is responsible for returning the name of the class. (returns a string)Smart Pointer: Write a smart pointer class. A smart pointer is a data type, usually implemented with templates, that simulates a pointer while also providing automatic garbage collection. It automatically counts the number of references to a SmartPointer<?> object and frees the object of type T when the reference count hits zero.in C++ Define a new “Word” class that must inherit from the given Name class. This class manages a dictionary word info: name (string) and its definition (string). It must prevent the creation of a Word object with either an empty or all-blank word or definition. This class must at least complete the methods defined in the Name class: toString method returns a string representation of the Word object in the format of “WORD( <word> ) DEFINITION( <definition> ) such as WORD(school) DEFINITION(an educational institution) contains method that accepts a search string and returns true if either word or definition contains the search string as a substring. It returns false otherwise. isTheSame method that compares two Word objects and returns true only if both Word objects have the exact same word and definition and false otherwise. Please note that if the given object in the parameter is not a Word object, it will return false.
- In C++,define a vector object and initialize it with 3 values and then define an iterator that points to elements of this object, then ask the user to enter 3 more values and then add them to the previous vector and then print all elements in the vector.class TenNums {private: int *p; public: TenNums() { p = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) p[i] = i; } void display() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cout << p[i] << " "; }};int main() { TenNums a; a.display(); TenNums b = a; b.display(); return 0;} Continuing from Question 4, let's say I added the following overloaded operator method to the class. Which statement will invoke this method? TenNums TenNums::operator+(const TenNums& b) { TenNums o; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) o.p[i] = p[i] + b.p [i]; return o;} Group of answer choices TenNums a; TenNums b = a; TenNums c = a + b; TenNums c = a.add(b);JAVA