A 60-Hz, 100-km, three-phase overhead transmission line, constructed of ACSR con- ductors, has a series impedance of (0.1826 + j0.784) N/km per phase and a shunt ca- pacitive reactance-to-neutral of 185.5 × 10³/–90° N-km per phase. Using the nomi- nal a circuit for a medium-length transmission line, (a) determine the total series impedance and shunt admittance of the line. (b) Compute the voltage, the current, and the real and reactive power at the sending end if the load at the receiving end draws 200 MVA at unity power factor and at a line-to-line voltage of 230 kV. (c) Find the percent voltage regulation of the line. (Kindly do not copy-paste answer from any other source. Kindly answer as asked in the question. Kindly show detailed steps, workings and provide explanantions for your answer. If you are confused about showing detailed ste workings and providing explanations, then kindly skip the question and leave it for someone else.)
Short Transmission Line
A short transmission line is a transmission line that has a length less than 80 kilometers, an operating voltage level of less than 20 kV, and zero capacitance effect.
Power Flow Analysis
Power flow analysis is a topic in power engineering. It is the flow of electric power in a system. The power flow analysis is preliminary used for the various components of Alternating Current (AC) power, such as the voltage, current, real power, reactive power, and voltage angles under given load conditions and is often known as a load flow study or load flow analysis.
Complex Form
A power system is defined as the connection or network of the various components that convert the non-electrical energy into the electric form and supply the electric form of energy from the source to the load. The power system is an important parameter in power engineering and the electrical engineering profession. The powers in the power system are primarily categorized into two types- active power and reactive power.

Step by step
Solved in 4 steps with 4 images