2 Assignment Task Your task is to implement Depth-first search algorithm to solve the problem of placing 8 Queens on a chess board so none can "take" each other. • A code framework, supporting videos and html documentation of the provided code- base will be provided via Moodle in assignments section. • The implementation should accept one command-line argument at the time it is invoked for the starting position of the first queen. o Itwill be tested with a range of values for that input. o If the input is not an integer in the range of 0-7 it should report "Invalid Input" and exit. You will be supplied with a partially completed file 'main.c' which contains the code need to read the command line and sets up the initial working candidate within the code framework. o Your task is to complete the code to implement depth-first search. o Your code must finish with a call to the function PrintFinalSolutionAndExit(); when a valid final solution stored in the variable "workingCandidate".
Your task is to implement Depth-first search
• A code framework, supporting videos and html documentation of the provided code-base will be provided via Moodle in assignments section.
• The implementation should accept one command-line argument at the time it is invoked for the starting position of the first queen.
o It will be tested with a range of values for that input.
o If the input is not an integer in the range of 0-7 it should report “Invalid Input” and exit.
• You will be supplied with a partially completed file ‘main.c’ which contains the code need to read the command line and sets up the initial working candidate within the code framework.
o Your task is to complete the code to implement depth-first search.
o Your code must finish with a call to the function PrintFinalSolutionAndExit(); when a valid final solution stored in the variable “workingCandidate”.
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