1. Penyataan yang manakah paling tepat merujuk kepada zaman prakolonial? [Which of the following statements about precolonial times is most accurate?] * A. Kebudayaan sesuatu bangsa [The culture of a nation]. B. Mengekalkan budaya tertentu [Maintaining a certain culture] C. Terjelma dalam tingkah laku tidak formal iaitu adab, adat resam dan adat istiadat [Manifested in informal behavior that is manners, customs and customs] D. Bertingkah laku dari segi makan, berpakaian, percakapan dan pentadbiran [Behaving in terms of eating, dressing, conversing and administering.] 2. Sarjana sosiologi C.Wright Mills telah mengemukakan idea beliau bagi memahami masyarakat melalui konsep “imaginasi sosiologikal” iaitu penilitian berdasarkan kepada…………. [C. Wright Mills, a sociological scholar, has proposed understanding society through the concept of "sociological imagination," which is based on ……] * A. Sejarah dan biografi masyarakat [History and biography of the community] B. Struktur sosial dan sejarah [Social structure and history] C. Biografi masyarakat [Biography of the community] D. Sejarah, struktur sosial dan biografi masyarakat [History, social structure and biography of the community] 3.Sebelum kedatangan kuasa kolonial, telah wujud etika dalam masyarakat disebut sebagai……[Prior to the arrival of colonialism, there existed in society an ethic known as ………….] * A. Adab dan adat resam [Manners and traditions] B. Etos [Ethos] C. Adab, adat istiadat dan adat resam [Manners, custom ceremonial and traditions] D. Etika, etiket dan etos [Ethics, etiquette and ethos] 4.Pedagang dan petani merupakan sebahagian daripada unsur persekitaran: [Traders and farmers are part of the environmental element:] * A. Falsafah dan pemikiran[Philosophy and thought] B. Persekitaran geo-fizikal[Geo-physical environment] C. Masyarakat dan demografik[Society and demographics] D. Ekonomi dan pasaran[Economics and markets] 5.Proses asimilasi antara golongan imigran dan masyarakat tempatan berlaku melalui...[The process of assimilation among immigrant groups and local communities comes as a result of …] * I. Integrasi[Integration] II. Perdagangan[Trade] III. Perkahwinan[Marriage] IV. Penyerapan budaya[Cultural absorption] A. I, II dan III [I, II and III] B. I, II dan IV [I, II and IV] C. II, III dan IV [II, III and IV] D. I, III dan IV [I, III and IV] 6. Daripada sudut perspektif sosiologi, biografi adalah…… [From a sociological perspective, biography is …………] * A. Terbentuk oleh sejarah dan sistem sosial negara [Shaped by the history and social system of the country] B. Riwayat atau kisah hidup seseorang [A history or story of a person's life] C. Fenomena struktur sosial dan proses sejarah yang mencorakkan pengalaman individu, keluarga, komuniti dalam masyarakat. [Social structure phenomena and historical processes that shape the experiences of individuals, families, and communities in society]. D. Hubungan yang dibina dan terjalin dalam sesebuah masyarakat yang berfungsi untuk menggerakkan dinamika masyarakat.[ Relationships built and forged in a society that serve to drive the dynamics of society] 7. TEORI Q [O TEORY] ------> A+B+C=D. Teori Q dinyatakan bentuk formula A+B+C=D, di mana ia boleh dicapai melalui proses perkahwinan campur.[Q theory expressed in the form of the formula A + B + C = D, where it can be achieved through the process of intermarriage.] * A. Akomodasi[Accommodation] B. Amalgamasi[Amalgamation] C. Adaptasi[Adaptation] D. Segregasi[Segregation] 8.Berikut menyebabkan wujudnya kepelbagaian masyarakat dalam negara kita KECUALI [The following causes the existence of social diversity in our country EXCEPT] * A. Hubungan perdagangan[trade relations] B. Hakisan warisan[heritage erosion] C. Perkahwinan campur[intermarriage] D. Pengerakan migrasi.[migration movements.] 9.Penyataan yang manakah benar merujuk kepada kepentingan adab pasca-kolonial [Which of the following statements is correct about the importance of post-colonial manners?] * A. Mengekalkan budaya tertentu [Maintaining a certain culture] B. Mewujudkan asimilasi budaya [Realizing cultural assimilation] C. Kebudayaan sesuatu bangsa [The culture of a nation] D. Memastikan keharmonian dan kesejahteraan multi etnik [Ensuring multi -ethnic harmony and well –being]. 10. Antara tinggalan arkitektural Eropah di Malaysia adalah?[Among Malaysia's oldest European architectural remains are?] * A. A Farmosa dan Candi Borobudur.[A Farmosa and Borobudur Temple] B. Fort Cornwalis dan Angkhor Wat[Fort Cornwallis and Angkhor Wat] C. A Farmosa dan Kubu Inggeris[A Farmosa and Fort English] D. Fort Cornwalis dan A Farmosa[Fort Carnwalis and A Farmosa]
1. Penyataan yang manakah paling tepat merujuk kepada zaman prakolonial? [Which of the following statements about precolonial times is most accurate?] * A. Kebudayaan sesuatu bangsa [The culture of a nation]. B. Mengekalkan budaya tertentu [Maintaining a certain culture] C. Terjelma dalam tingkah laku tidak formal iaitu adab, adat resam dan adat istiadat [Manifested in informal behavior that is manners, customs and customs] D. Bertingkah laku dari segi makan, berpakaian, percakapan dan pentadbiran [Behaving in terms of eating, dressing, conversing and administering.] 2. Sarjana sosiologi C.Wright Mills telah mengemukakan idea beliau bagi memahami masyarakat melalui konsep “imaginasi sosiologikal” iaitu penilitian berdasarkan kepada…………. [C. Wright Mills, a sociological scholar, has proposed understanding society through the concept of "sociological imagination," which is based on ……] * A. Sejarah dan biografi masyarakat [History and biography of the community] B. Struktur sosial dan sejarah [Social structure and history] C. Biografi masyarakat [Biography of the community] D. Sejarah, struktur sosial dan biografi masyarakat [History, social structure and biography of the community] 3.Sebelum kedatangan kuasa kolonial, telah wujud etika dalam masyarakat disebut sebagai……[Prior to the arrival of colonialism, there existed in society an ethic known as ………….] * A. Adab dan adat resam [Manners and traditions] B. Etos [Ethos] C. Adab, adat istiadat dan adat resam [Manners, custom ceremonial and traditions] D. Etika, etiket dan etos [Ethics, etiquette and ethos] 4.Pedagang dan petani merupakan sebahagian daripada unsur persekitaran: [Traders and farmers are part of the environmental element:] * A. Falsafah dan pemikiran[Philosophy and thought] B. Persekitaran geo-fizikal[Geo-physical environment] C. Masyarakat dan demografik[Society and demographics] D. Ekonomi dan pasaran[Economics and markets] 5.Proses asimilasi antara golongan imigran dan masyarakat tempatan berlaku melalui...[The process of assimilation among immigrant groups and local communities comes as a result of …] * I. Integrasi[Integration] II. Perdagangan[Trade] III. Perkahwinan[Marriage] IV. Penyerapan budaya[Cultural absorption] A. I, II dan III [I, II and III] B. I, II dan IV [I, II and IV] C. II, III dan IV [II, III and IV] D. I, III dan IV [I, III and IV] 6. Daripada sudut perspektif sosiologi, biografi adalah…… [From a sociological perspective, biography is …………] * A. Terbentuk oleh sejarah dan sistem sosial negara [Shaped by the history and social system of the country] B. Riwayat atau kisah hidup seseorang [A history or story of a person's life] C. Fenomena struktur sosial dan proses sejarah yang mencorakkan pengalaman individu, keluarga, komuniti dalam masyarakat. [Social structure phenomena and historical processes that shape the experiences of individuals, families, and communities in society]. D. Hubungan yang dibina dan terjalin dalam sesebuah masyarakat yang berfungsi untuk menggerakkan dinamika masyarakat.[ Relationships built and forged in a society that serve to drive the dynamics of society] 7. TEORI Q [O TEORY] ------> A+B+C=D. Teori Q dinyatakan bentuk formula A+B+C=D, di mana ia boleh dicapai melalui proses perkahwinan campur.[Q theory expressed in the form of the formula A + B + C = D, where it can be achieved through the process of intermarriage.] * A. Akomodasi[Accommodation] B. Amalgamasi[Amalgamation] C. Adaptasi[Adaptation] D. Segregasi[Segregation] 8.Berikut menyebabkan wujudnya kepelbagaian masyarakat dalam negara kita KECUALI [The following causes the existence of social diversity in our country EXCEPT] * A. Hubungan perdagangan[trade relations] B. Hakisan warisan[heritage erosion] C. Perkahwinan campur[intermarriage] D. Pengerakan migrasi.[migration movements.] 9.Penyataan yang manakah benar merujuk kepada kepentingan adab pasca-kolonial [Which of the following statements is correct about the importance of post-colonial manners?] * A. Mengekalkan budaya tertentu [Maintaining a certain culture] B. Mewujudkan asimilasi budaya [Realizing cultural assimilation] C. Kebudayaan sesuatu bangsa [The culture of a nation] D. Memastikan keharmonian dan kesejahteraan multi etnik [Ensuring multi -ethnic harmony and well –being]. 10. Antara tinggalan arkitektural Eropah di Malaysia adalah?[Among Malaysia's oldest European architectural remains are?] * A. A Farmosa dan Candi Borobudur.[A Farmosa and Borobudur Temple] B. Fort Cornwalis dan Angkhor Wat[Fort Cornwallis and Angkhor Wat] C. A Farmosa dan Kubu Inggeris[A Farmosa and Fort English] D. Fort Cornwalis dan A Farmosa[Fort Carnwalis and A Farmosa]
Related questions
1. Penyataan yang manakah paling tepat merujuk kepada zaman prakolonial? [Which of the following statements about precolonial times is most accurate?] *
A. Kebudayaan sesuatu bangsa [The culture of a nation].
B. Mengekalkan budaya tertentu [Maintaining a certain culture]
C. Terjelma dalam tingkah laku tidak formal iaitu adab, adat resam dan adat istiadat [Manifested in informal behavior that is manners, customs and customs]
D. Bertingkah laku dari segi makan, berpakaian, percakapan dan pentadbiran [Behaving in terms of eating, dressing, conversing and administering.]
2. Sarjana sosiologi C.Wright Mills telah mengemukakan idea beliau bagi memahami masyarakat melalui konsep “imaginasi sosiologikal” iaitu penilitian berdasarkan kepada…………. [C. Wright Mills, a sociological scholar, has proposed understanding society through the concept of "sociological imagination," which is based on ……] *
A. Sejarah dan biografi masyarakat [History and biography of the community]
B. Struktur sosial dan sejarah [Social structure and history]
C. Biografi masyarakat [Biography of the community]
D. Sejarah, struktur sosial dan biografi masyarakat [History, social structure and biography of the community]
3.Sebelum kedatangan kuasa kolonial, telah wujud etika dalam masyarakat disebut sebagai……[Prior to the arrival of colonialism, there existed in society an ethic known as ………….] *
A. Adab dan adat resam [Manners and traditions]
B. Etos [Ethos]
C. Adab, adat istiadat dan adat resam [Manners, custom ceremonial and traditions]
D. Etika, etiket dan etos [Ethics, etiquette and ethos]
4.Pedagang dan petani merupakan sebahagian daripada unsur persekitaran: [Traders and farmers are part of the environmental element:] *
A. Falsafah dan pemikiran[Philosophy and thought]
B. Persekitaran geo-fizikal[Geo-physical environment]
C. Masyarakat dan demografik[Society and demographics]
D. Ekonomi dan pasaran[Economics and markets]
5.Proses asimilasi antara golongan imigran dan masyarakat tempatan berlaku melalui...[The process of assimilation among immigrant groups and local communities comes as a result of …] *
I. Integrasi[Integration]
II. Perdagangan[Trade]
III. Perkahwinan[Marriage]
IV. Penyerapan budaya[Cultural absorption]
A. I, II dan III [I, II and III]
B. I, II dan IV [I, II and IV]
C. II, III dan IV [II, III and IV]
D. I, III dan IV [I, III and IV]
6. Daripada sudut perspektif sosiologi, biografi adalah…… [From a sociological perspective, biography is …………] *
A. Terbentuk oleh sejarah dan sistem sosial negara [Shaped by the history and social system of the country]
B. Riwayat atau kisah hidup seseorang [A history or story of a person's life]
C. Fenomena struktur sosial dan proses sejarah yang mencorakkan pengalaman individu, keluarga, komuniti dalam masyarakat. [Social structure phenomena and historical processes that shape the experiences of individuals, families, and communities in society].
D. Hubungan yang dibina dan terjalin dalam sesebuah masyarakat yang berfungsi untuk menggerakkan dinamika masyarakat.[ Relationships built and forged in a society that serve to drive the dynamics of society]
7. TEORI Q [O TEORY] ------> A+B+C=D. Teori Q dinyatakan bentuk formula A+B+C=D, di mana ia boleh dicapai melalui proses perkahwinan campur.[Q theory expressed in the form of the formula A + B + C = D, where it can be achieved through the process of intermarriage.] *
A. Akomodasi[Accommodation]
B. Amalgamasi[Amalgamation]
C. Adaptasi[Adaptation]
D. Segregasi[Segregation]
8.Berikut menyebabkan wujudnya kepelbagaian masyarakat dalam negara kita KECUALI [The following causes the existence of social diversity in our country EXCEPT] *
A. Hubungan perdagangan[trade relations]
B. Hakisan warisan[heritage erosion]
C. Perkahwinan campur[intermarriage]
D. Pengerakan migrasi.[migration movements.]
9.Penyataan yang manakah benar merujuk kepada kepentingan adab pasca-kolonial [Which of the following statements is correct about the importance of post-colonial manners?] *
A. Mengekalkan budaya tertentu [Maintaining a certain culture]
B. Mewujudkan asimilasi budaya [Realizing cultural assimilation]
C. Kebudayaan sesuatu bangsa [The culture of a nation]
D. Memastikan keharmonian dan kesejahteraan multi etnik [Ensuring multi -ethnic harmony and well –being].
10. Antara tinggalan arkitektural Eropah di Malaysia adalah?[Among Malaysia's oldest European architectural remains are?] *
A. A Farmosa dan Candi Borobudur.[A Farmosa and Borobudur Temple]
B. Fort Cornwalis dan Angkhor Wat[Fort Cornwallis and Angkhor Wat]
C. A Farmosa dan Kubu Inggeris[A Farmosa and Fort English]
D. Fort Cornwalis dan A Farmosa[Fort Carnwalis and A Farmosa]
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