1. Model 1: OLS, using observations 1-706 Dependent variable: RST Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value const 3586.38 38.9124 92.17 <0.0001 *** TOTWRK −0.150746 0.0167403 −9.005 <0.0001 *** Mean dependent var 3266.356 S.D. dependent var 444.4134 Sum squared resid 1.25e+08 S.E. of regression 421.1357 R-squared 0.103287 Adjusted R-squared 0.102014 F(1, 704) 81.08987 P-value(F) 1.99e-1810538.19 Log-likelihood −5267.096 Akaike criterion 10538.19 Schwarz criterion 10547.31 Hannan-Quinn 10541.71 RSTi =3586.38−0.150746 x TOTWRKi , R2=0.103287,SER=421.1357 (38.9124) (0.0167403) Question? A- The researcher claims that the model lacks a fundamental principle, namely, the impact of the worker’s gender on their efficiency. The researcher further claims that Men on average take more resting time than women. To clarify the researcher’s claim, add the binary variable MALE into your model, and write down the estimated results for the following population regression function. RST? = ?0 + ?1TOTWRK? + ?2MALE? + u? B- Furthermore, how do you interpret the estimated slope coefficient of the binary variable MALE? Is the researcher’s claim that men on average take more resting time than women consistent with your estimated results? Why or why not?
Model 1: OLS, using observations 1-706
Dependent variable: RST
Coefficient | Std. Error | t-ratio | p-value | ||
const | 3586.38 | 38.9124 | 92.17 | <0.0001 | *** |
TOTWRK | −0.150746 | 0.0167403 | −9.005 | <0.0001 | *** |
Mean dependent var | 3266.356 | S.D. dependent var | 444.4134 |
Sum squared resid | 1.25e+08 | S.E. of regression | 421.1357 |
R-squared | 0.103287 | Adjusted R-squared | 0.102014 |
F(1, 704) | 81.08987 | P-value(F) | 1.99e-1810538.19 |
Log-likelihood | −5267.096 | Akaike criterion | 10538.19 |
Schwarz criterion | 10547.31 | Hannan-Quinn | 10541.71 |
RSTi =3586.38−0.150746 x TOTWRKi , R2=0.103287,SER=421.1357
(38.9124) (0.0167403)
A- The researcher claims that the model lacks a fundamental principle, namely, the impact of the worker’s gender on their efficiency. The researcher further claims that Men on average take more resting time than women. To clarify the researcher’s claim, add the binary variable MALE into your model, and write down the estimated results for the following population regression
RST? = ?0 + ?1TOTWRK? + ?2MALE? + u?
B- Furthermore, how do you interpret the estimated slope coefficient of the binary variable MALE? Is the researcher’s claim that men on average take more resting time than women consistent with your estimated results? Why or why not?

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