1. Describe the properties of the element tungsten. 2. List two reasons why it is a good material for x-ray tube targets and at least one reason why it is used for x-ray tube filaments. 3. Name the three components of the x-ray tube that contribute to the inherent filtration. 4. If a patient has a body part that has a very thick portion and a very thin portion, which aspect of the x-ray tube should be placed over the thinnest area

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1. Describe the properties of the element tungsten. 2. List two reasons why it is a good material for x-ray tube targets and at least one reason why it is used for x-ray tube filaments. 3. Name the three components of the x-ray tube that contribute to the inherent filtration. 4. If a patient has a body part that has a very thick portion and a very thin portion, which aspect of the x-ray tube should be placed over the thinnest area
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