... no one person is an island unto themselves; we all socialize and impact each other in some way within the larger group, and therefore difficult sometimes to separate one's cultural or social environment from one's individual opportunities, goals, opinions, and personality. ... humans everywhere are basically the same, and culture only shapes small differences between one culture an another, or one human versus another. ... individuals in
4. One of the overarching messages or things that comes across in studying Sociology is that ... (choose the only one correct answer below)
... no one person is an island unto themselves; we all socialize and impact each other in some way within the larger group, and therefore difficult sometimes to separate one's cultural or social environment from one's individual opportunities, goals, opinions, and personality. |
... humans everywhere are basically the same, and culture only shapes small differences between one culture an another, or one human versus another. |
... individuals in any society end up shaping their own destiny, making their own decisions, for better or worse. |
... we are basically a product of our biology, and in part, our race, and that our human "nature" is overall more influential to human behavior than our "nurture". |

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