Chapter 4 Summary and Analysis

Kino and Juana prepare to sell the pearl. They dress in their best clothes, and as they go into town, their neighbors also follow them. It is a historic moment in La Paz, and everyone wants to watch it unfold. The buyers are waiting for Kino and his pearl, already certain of what they will pay for it and how they will con him into accepting their meager offer. Juan Tomas, Kino’s brother, warns Kino that he must not be cheated, and Kino agrees; he is aware of the buyers’ tendency to take advantage of his people.

When Kino shows his pearl to the first buyer, the man examines it and offers Kino a thousand pesos; the buyer also claims that the pearl is too big to be worth much. Kino tells the buyer that he sounds like he is trying to cheat him, so the buyer summons the other pearl agents to estimate the pearl’s value without telling them his offer. The other buyers also claim that the pearl is worthless. When Kino grabs the pearl and prepares to leave, the first buyer raises his offer to fifteen hundred pesos. This does no good because Kino is now enraged. He tells the buyers and his neighbors that he will find a buyer for his pearl even if he must go to the capital to do it. The buyers are angry that he did not fall into their trap. Kino returns home with Juana and Coyotito.

Kino’s neighbors are uncertain about his decision to sell the pearl elsewhere. Perhaps the buyers were being honest about the pearl’s worth. Or they had worked out their scheme beforehand. Nobody could say for certain. Kino buries the pearl under the firestone in his hut and is concerned that he might have done the wrong thing by not selling the pearl. He is also troubled by the prospect of having to travel to sell the pearl, of leaving his old, familiar world. Although he is frightened, he must follow through with his plan; for he believes that his dream of the future was real. Juan Tomas meets Kino and tells him that he is afraid for him. Although the pearl buyers were trying to cheat him, Kino has defied not just the buyers but also his own way of life. Juan is afraid for Kino because Kino is now taking on an uncharted way of life by traveling to the capital. Kino insists that he will be fine because his friends will protect him. Juan leaves, and Kino silently listens to the sounds around him. Juana watches him with worry and softly sings her ancient song as if she is trying to ward off the Song of Evil for Kino.

Kino hears a noise outside and takes his knife with him to the doorway. Juana is afraid for him as he steps out into the black night. She hears a struggle and when she goes to the doorway, she sees Kino on the floor, half-conscious and bleeding from a cut on his face. She takes him inside and cleans him up. Kino did not see who attacked him, and Juana is worried. She urges Kino again to throw away the pearl because it is evil, but he refuses to give up their one chance for a better life. She protests again, but he hushes her. He tells her that they will leave in the morning and go to the capital to sell the pearl. Finally, they go to sleep.

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