Author Bio and Introduction

Susan Eloise Hinton grew up in the city of Tulsa in Oklahoma, which is also where The Outsiders is set. She was passionate about writing as it kept her occupied and distracted from difficulties at home. The Outsiders was the first book she published, and it remains her most popular work. She has since written many young adult novels, which continue to be popular amongst adolescents.

She was the recipient of the first Margaret Edwards Award from American Library Association in recognition of her work for teens over the years. She chose the pen name of S.E. Hinton, honoring her publisher’s advice that not having an easily recognizable female name would aid in publicity of her book, especially with male readers and critics. Later, this name also helped her keep her personal and professional lives distinct. She continues to reside in Oklahoma with her husband and child, and enjoys writing fan fiction and horseback riding.

The 1960s

The USA witnessed major upheavals and social revolutions in the 1960s. It was the decade of the Vietnam War, Civil Rights protests, the Cuban Missile Crisis, along with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. These movements saw students and members of civil society taking to the streets. These movements created a world of tension as well as solidarity. These movements also demanded equality and fraternity amongst many disparate groups. With the rising importance of Martin Luther King, the youth became a big part of the revolution.

Young Adult Novels

S.E.Hinton has been credited with popularizing the genre of realistic young adult books. Educators were especially grateful to her since she highlighted a perspective that was usually overlooked: that of the young adult. The Outsiders rightly demonstrates the importance of independence for young adults as well as their need for belonging and acceptance.

There was furor over the question of the target audience for young adult novels. The criticism that such novels are unsuitable for “grown readers” has been challenged by readers as well as authors of young adult works.

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