Chapters 19-21 Summary
Binti and the Meduse are led into a room where a group of Oomza Uni professors awaits. Haras, one of the professors—who is a spiderlike species—leads the meeting. As the Meduse ambassador, Binti explains who she is and where she is from. She tells the professors what happened aboard the Third Fish and surprises them by revealing she knows of the Meduse stinger they keep in the weapons museum for study. Finally, she pleads the Meduse’s case and urges the university to “prevent a bloodbath in which everyone would lose.” After hearing Binti out, the professors gather to deliberate.
Chapters 19-21 Analysis
Binti’s story and talents culminate in her opportunity to mediate between the Meduse and the humans at Oomza Uni. Binti is the only person who can find a peaceful resolution to the situation. Her talents as a “master harmonizer,” her cultural background and traditions, and the confidence she displayed when leaving home are all critical parts of the whole. If Binti had not been on the ship with these particular pieces of the puzzle, the Meduse would have slaughtered the students and then started a war at Oomza Uni. Consistent with her portrayal as a classic hero, the very things that cause Binti so much pain—being separated from her family and facing prejudice—make her special and able to save everyone in the end.