Binti Characters


Binti, who narrates the story, is a young Himba woman who leaves her home in the desert to attend a university on a distant planet. Her full name is Binti Ekeopara Zuzu Dambu Kaipka of Namib. She is an advanced mathematician with an affinity for empathy that makes her a “master harmonizer.” The first person from her community to venture to another world, Binti struggles with the knowledge that she has disappointed her family by leaving.


Okwu is an impetuous young Meduse. It is part of the group that infiltrates and slaughters the humans on Binti’s ship. Though it hates humans, it has never met or conversed with any before Binti.


As their leader, the chief commands a group of Meduse to kill all the humans on the Third Fish, a ship on its way to Oomza Uni. The chief’s stinger was stolen by people from the university, and its mission is to retrieve it.

Group leader

The group leader is an older Khoush man in charge of the group of prospective Oomza Uni students. When he first meets Binti, he makes snide comments about her “otjize”—a red clay substance she wears on her skin and hair—and way of dressing.


Haras is a Oomza Uni professor. He speaks for all the professors when Binti arrives as the ambassador for the Meduse.


Bena is Binti’s older brother. He hates the Khoush people, though he has never interacted with any. Okwu reminds Binti of Bena because they are both hotheaded and full of hate.


Dele is Binti’s best friend back home. Though he congratulates her on being accepted to the university, Dele, like Binti’s family, believes it is not her fate to actually leave her community.


One of Binti’s classmates, Heru is a light-skinned boy aboard the Third Fish. He is intelligent and observant. He notices that Binti’s hair is braided in code.


Okpala is the head mathematics professor at Oomza Uni. She takes an interest in Binti’s “edan,” an ancient device with spiritual properties, and offers to study it with her.

Travel security officer

The travel security officer at the launch station is an older Khoush man who reads Binti’s astrolabe to clear her for travel. He does a “deep scan,” examining her entire life, and tells her, “You are the pride of your people.”

Head professor of Weapons City

The head professor of Weapons City looks like “a small green child with roots for a head.” Binti and the chief accompany him to retrieve the chief’s stinger at Oomza Uni.

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