EBK PRE-ALGEBRA - 12th Edition - by Larson - ISBN 9780358403685

12th Edition
Publisher: HM CC
ISBN: 9780358403685



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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter 2.1 - Properties And OperationsChapter 2.2 - The Distributive PropertyChapter 2.3 - Simplifying Variable ExpressionsChapter 2.4 - Variables And EquationsChapter 2.5 - Solving Equations Using Addition Or SubtractionChapter 2.6 - Solving Equations Using Multiplication Or DivisionChapter 2.7 - Decimal Operations And Equations With DecimalsChapter 3 - Multi-step Equations And InequalitiesChapter 3.1 - Solving Two-step EquationsChapter 3.2 - Solving Equations Having Like Terms And ParenthesesChapter 3.3 - Solving Equations With Variables On Both SidesChapter 3.4 - Solving Inequalities Using Addition Or SubtractionChapter 3.5 - Solving Inequalities Using Multiplication Or DivisionChapter 3.6 - Solving Multi-step InequalitiesChapter 4 - Factors, Fractions, And ExponentsChapter 4.1 - Factors And Prime FactorizationChapter 4.2 - Greatest Common FactorChapter 4.3 - Equivalent FractionsChapter 4.4 - Least Common MultipleChapter 4.5 - Rules Of ExponentsChapter 4.6 - Negative And Zero ExponentsChapter 4.7 - Scientific NotationChapter 5 - Rational Numbers And EquationsChapter 5.1 - Rational NumbersChapter 5.2 - Adding And Subtracting Like FractionsChapter 5.3 - Adding And Subtracting Unlike FractionsChapter 5.4 - Multiplying FractionsChapter 5.5 - Dividing FractionsChapter 5.6 - Using Multiplicative Inverse To Solve EquationsChapter 5.7 - nullChapter 6 - Ratio, Proportion, And ProbabilityChapter 6.1 - Ratios And RatesChapter 6.2 - Writing And Solving ProblemsChapter 6.3 - Solving Proportions Using Cross ProductsChapter 6.4 - Similar And Congruent FiguresChapter 6.5 - Similarity And MeasurementChapter 6.6 - Scale DrawingsChapter 6.7 - Probability And OddsChapter 6.8 - The Multiplication PrincipleChapter 7 - PercentsChapter 7.1 - Percents And FractionsChapter 7.2 - Percents And ProportionsChapter 7.3 - Percents And DecimalsChapter 7.4 - The Percent EquationChapter 7.5 - Percent Of ChangeChapter 7.6 - Percent ApplicationsChapter 7.7 - Simple And Compound InterestChapter 8 - Linear FunctionsChapter 8.1 - Relations And FunctionsChapter 8.2 - Linear Equations In Two VariablesChapter 8.3 - Using InterceptsChapter 8.4 - The Slope Of A LineChapter 8.5 - Slope-intercept FormChapter 8.6 - Writing Linear EquationsChapter 8.7 - Function NotationChapter 8.8 - Systems Of Linear EquationsChapter 8.9 - Graphs Of Linear InequalitiesChapter 9 - Real Numbers And Right TrianglesChapter 9.1 - Square RootsChapter 9.2 - Simplifying Square RootsChapter 9.3 - The Pythagorean TheoremChapter 9.4 - Real NumbersChapter 9.5 - The Distance And Midpoint FormulasChapter 9.6 - Special Right TrianglesChapter 9.7 - The Tangent RationChapter 9.8 - The Sine And Cosine RatiosChapter 10 - Measurement, Area, And VolumeChapter 10.1 - TrianglesChapter 10.2 - Polygons And QuadrilateralsChapter 10.3 - Areas Of ParallelogramsChapter 10.4 - Circumference And Area Of A CircleChapter 10.5 - Surface Areas Of Prisms And CylindersChapter 10.6 - Surface Areas Of Pyramids And ConesChapter 10.7 - Volumes Of Prisms And CylindersChapter 10.8 - Volumes Of Pyramids And ConesChapter 11 - Data Analysis And ProbabilityChapter 11.1 - Stem-and-leaf Plots And HistogramsChapter 11.2 - Box-and-whisker PlotsChapter 11.3 - Using Data DisplaysChapter 11.4 - Collecting DataChapter 11.5 - Interpreting DataChapter 11.6 - PermutationsChapter 11.7 - CombinationsChapter 11.8 - Probabilities Of Disjoint And Overlapping EventsChapter 11.9 - Independent And Dependent EventsChapter 12 - Angle Relationships And TransformationsChapter 12.1 - Angle RelationshipsChapter 12.2 - Angles And Parallel LinesChapter 12.3 - Angles And PolygonsChapter 12.4 - TranslationsChapter 12.5 - Reflections And SymmetryChapter 12.6 - Rotations And SymmetryChapter 12.7 - DilationsChapter CSR - Contents Of Student Resources

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