Week 7_8 Reflections_Annisa Ardiani



New York University *

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Feb 20, 2024





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Annisa Ardiani - aa11561@nyu.edu - Statistical Measurements, Analysis, and Research Reflection Week 7/8 1. What kind of descriptive statistics will he be able to use, and why? Faris can use several descriptive statistics to analyze the data from his survey: Mean: Faris can calculate the mean of compliance rating (on a scale from 1 to 4) to get an overall insight into how often the patients follow his recommendation on average. Median: If the data is normally distributed, Faris can use Median to find the middle point of compliance rate and the median number of days of compliance to account for any outliers. 2. Which won’t he be able to use, and why not? Several descriptive statistics that Faris cannot use are: Standard Deviation: Faris cannot calculate standard deviation effectively because the data is categorical/nominal (Yes or No) or when the data is not normally distributed. Correlation: Farris won’t be able to calculate correlations between variables as the survey includes both categorical (trust) and ordinal (compliance rating) variables, making correlation analysis less meaningful. 3. What information will these statistics tell him, and what information still be missing? The descriptive statistics will provide Faris with several insights: Mean compliance rating will give him an average understanding of how often patients follow his recommendations. Median compliance and median days of compliance will provide a measure of central tendency that is less affected by extreme values. However, he will not be able to get detailed information about the reasons behind the non-compliance or the factors affecting trust, as the survey lacks open-ended questions. He won’t know the extent of variations
Annisa Ardiani - aa11561@nyu.edu - Statistical Measurements, Analysis, and Research in trust and compliance among patients and whether specific patient characteristics or circumstances influence these outcomes. 4. Is cross-tabulation possible for two of the variables? If so, what would you recommend and why? Faris can perform a cross-tabulation between two of the variables: compliance rating and trust. This can help him understand if there is a relationship between how much patients trust his recommendations and how often they comply with them. By cross-tabulating these two variables, he can see if patients who trust his recommendations are more likely to follow them.
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