Final Project_ Create a Pluralism Model



Brigham Young University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Alessandro Gianotti REL C 351 Professor MacKay Michael Hubbard 04/10/2023 Final Project: Create a Pluralism Model In this final project, I am going to create a pluralism model based on my religion, catholicism, and explain how it fits in the world and coexist with other religions existing. Before start talking about my model, I think it is necessary to give an explanation of what pluralism in the religious context means. The belief that multiple religions can coexist and be equally valid is referred to as religious pluralism. It recognizes the diversity of religious beliefs and practices, as well as the possibility of peaceful coexistence among them. Pluralism acknowledges that no religion has a monopoly on truth and that each religion has something valuable to offer. After this necessary clarification, I am going to talk about my personal pluralism model. When I think about religions in the world, I think about a big amount of communities, with different characteristics, beliefs, and traditions. I believe that all of these religions, on the other hand, have something in common, which is the belief and faith in a God, whichever you want it to be. This is why, for my personal pluralism model, I thought about a wooden cartwheel.
The wooden cartwheel is composed of a central piece, which in my case represents catholicism. Catholicism is the central part because it’s the religion I grew up with, and so influenced my beliefs and thoughts. On the other hand, the fulcrum of a wooden cartwheel has many other components that attach to it, and these represent other religions. The religions around, in fact, have something in common with catholicism, which can be for example some scriptures, beliefs, or just principles of a good life that share with catholicism. I believe also, that these religions around catholicism, the fulcrum, do not only have to necessarily share something in order to justify their connection to it but can also represent the possibility for catholic believers, like me, to learn something more through the teaching of other religions, and vice-versa. The final result, which is the whole wooden cartwheel, represents me, the human being, the believer. The wheel works only if every piece gives its personal support, and in the same way I, as a human being, can live my life at 100%, with an enriched heart and mind. In conclusion, I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to participate in this class and I would like to personally thank Professor MacKay for the great teachings and passion he putted into work during this semester!
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