TOPIC 1 DQ 2- UNV 510



Grand Canyon University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school


UNV 510




Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by BrookeSmith1990

Good afternoon classmates, This university’s passion and strive to help others is like no other. This school, no matter the degree, incorporates its love for Christ through all activities and assignments. I believe this is strongly impacted through this statement directly from the Doctrinal Statement, “We believe the Bible, in the Old and New Testament Scriptures to be inspired, the only infallible, true and authoritative Word of God” (Grand Canyon University, n.d.). Going to a university that has a strong Christian background was something that was completely unfamiliar to me until I came here in 2019. I have since seen how this school’s passion for its student’s success is so much more than other colleges I have been to. I also love how there is no shame in prayer or praying for one another. This privilege has been stripped away from a lot of public schools and universities. GCU thrives on community and helping others find their purpose. It is stated that this university is a “Christ-centered university with an innovative and adaptive spirit that addresses the world’s deep needs by cultivating compassionate Christian community, empowering free and virtuous action and serving others in ways that promote human flourishing” (Grand Canyon University, 2024a). This is shown even more true after reading about Habitat for Humanity. I specifically enjoyed reading about the five-point plan. To further explain, this was a plan established by GCU to help neighborhoods and families in need in West Phoenix by improving their homes and even educational opportunities (Grand Canyon University, 2024b). How GCU takes its Christian-based beliefs outside the classroom is another reason why I chose this university. In high school, I was in FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) and during my undergraduate years I was heavily involved in volunteer work and associated with the Baptist Student Union. With that being said, I do not believe there will be much difference between my undergraduate and graduate experience, but I do love that I have the opportunity to grow more in my Christian heritage in and out of the classroom here. Sometimes I wish I could be in-person though, to be involved in all the activities that GCU promotes! References: Grand Canyon University. (n.d.). Doctrinal Statement . Grand Canyon University. (2024a). Christian Identity and Mission . GCU. Grand Canyon University. (2024b). Five-Point Plan . GCU News. plan/
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