Matthew Mak
Pg 148 Review Questions 1-4
Period 4
Briefly describe the reactions of Jesus’ followers at the time of his death.
Jesus’ followers were a fearful, defeated group at the time of the
Crucifixion. Some stayed close to Jesus, but most hid because they were
afraid that Jesus’ whole purpose and mission had been destroyed in his
What core beliefs do Christian celebrate on Easter Sunday and every Sunday?
The Resurrection is the reality that Jesus was raised from the dead by
God. Christians celebrate that on Easter Sunday. Every Sunday is “the
day of the Lord’s Resurrection,” which is kind of a “mini-Easter.” That is a
day to recall with joy that Jesus has risen and is with us in glory.
What were some of the people’s reactions when they encountered the
resurrected Jesus?
Mary Magdalene first thought that Jesus was a gardener. His disciples
thought that Jesus was a ghost when he appeared to them.
Summarize the evidence that supports Jesus’ Resurrection.
The disciples would have been more concerned about getting the story
details consistent, the women were the first people to find out and if it was
fake the story would’ve used a more “credible” story line. The disciples
boldly professed their faith in Jesus and lost all of their previous fear.
Lastly, the early church made no attempt to explain the resurrection. They
just simply and powerfully proclaimed it.