Textbook Response Assignment: Molloy 478-481
The terms syncretism
, synthesis
, and symbiosis
are used to describe the mixture of the native African religions of Santería, Voodoo, and Candomblé. They suggest that the three religions are a happy blend of complements to each other. In addition, each religion emerged from an environment of fear and was brought about through slaves. Santería, Voodoo, and Candomblé believe in a single High God which differs from Roman Catholicism beliefs that the Yoruba God does not show personal interest in individual human affairs. These three Yoruba-based religions believe in orishas which are spirits or invisible supernatural beings. Roman Catholicism believes that orishas have individual humanlike characteristics. The first quote I connected with on page 481 states that “services involve prayer, drumming, dance, offering of foods, and the descent of orishas.” I connected with this sentence because my religion also involves prayer, singing, and worshiping. Although very different, Santería, Voodoo, and Candomblé result from a mixture of Yoruba religions and Christianity. The second quote I connected with on page 481 states that “Santería and Voodoo are becoming known in some large cities of the United States, including Miami, New York, and Los Angeles.” I connected with this sentence because I have gone on a vacation to Miami before. In visiting Miami, it makes sense that these religions are found there since many different cultures are found in this one geographic area.