W04 Assignment_ Journal 10.7.23
Brigham Young University, Idaho *
*We aren’t endorsed by this school
Jan 9, 2024
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Week 04 Notes:
We have all been taught (directly or indirectly) to think, feel, and act the way we do
“We’re born to be righteous, but we have to learn what, exactly, people like us should be
righteous about.” – Haidt (The Righteous Mind)
We should examine not only the family environment influencing someone, but also the
others in their life, systems and entities
“The family is the most powerful, the most humane, and by far the most economical
system known for building competence and character.” - Professor Bronfenbrenner
Family = fundamental unit of society
“No success can compensate for failure in the home.” - President David O. McKay’
Socialization = the process by which individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and
character traits that enable them to participate as effective members of groups and
We should always “promote and defend” and not “attack and dehumanize” when having
hard conversations with those who have opposing views.
Just because truth is rejected or not popular, doesn't make it any less true.
Family Advocacy involves 6 areas:
Policy and Law
Social Media
Strong Coalitions
Research and Knowledge
Persuasive Speech and Writing
What happens in one system can influence the other systems
Children are socialized and supported by their families, schools, and communities which
helps to nurture a children’s development, thus enabling them to become a contributing
Hearing and trying to understand differing perspectives can be illuminating and humbling
Patterns are vital to understand and discern because they help us see the consequences of
keeping or violating natural law.
"Throughout the world, the family is increasingly under attack. If families fail, many of
our political, economic, and social systems will also fail." - President Russell M. Nelson
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory views child development as a complex
system of relationships affected by multiple levels of the surrounding environment, from
immediate family and school settings to broad cultural values, laws, and customs.
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems:
The microsystem is the most influential level of the ecological systems theory.
Week 04 Reflections:
What personal impressions did you have as you reviewed the material?
This week’s study materials were of a “heavy topic” nature all around, and my key
takeaways were that.. it’s complicated. There’s a lot of information from both sides of each
debate and as advocates we must remain unbiased and understand all aspects. As disciples of
Jesus Christ, we must have unconditional love for all of our earthly brothers and sisters, even if
they do not believe or behave the same way we do. We must hold ourselves to a higher standard,
and set an example for others, without becoming too overbearing and pushing them away from
the light and into the darkness.
What did you learn from your peers this week?
We discussed a lot about how there isn’t one particular cause or one particular solution
for many things when it comes to advocacy. It’s important to have a clear understanding and
education in all social, political, cultural, etc. aspects, even if you don’t agree with them. Having
the “whole picture” when trying to advocate for someone is critical for providing the best kind of
How is this lesson helpful to you as a family advocate?
Echoing my thoughts in the other reflection questions, I believe it has helped me become
more open to different ideas/beliefs. Life impacts us each in unique ways, such as religion, race,
gender, economic status, etc. All of these factors will vary when we work with children as their
advocate. If we are only speaking from our own personal experiences, then we will be more
limited in who and how many people we can help. Empathy can be a great unifier in helping
them see that you can understand their situations, even if you haven’t experienced it yourself.
Week 03 "Getting Outside My Moral Matrix" assignment
REPLACES the W03 Journal
Week 02 Notes:
Israel is God’s covenant people
Hebraic meanings of the word Israel: let God prevail
Family is central to God’s plan and it’s our duty to protect the children
Character is who we are at our core as individuals, whereas Personality can be altered
more frequently by outside factors
Christ doesn’t want us to have His personality, He wants us to develop His character
Having different personalities is not a bad thing, as it can give us unique views and allow
us to advocate for people of all walks of life
Strengths and weaknesses come from all personality traits, but having Christlike
character can amplify our strengths and develop our weaknesses for the better
As advocates we are asked to judge ideas and messages, not people
To be effective followers of Christ we have to have a clear understanding of right and
Doing good things is about more than just “going through the motions”
It is a natural desire to strive to be more than we are, however, we have to keep that
desire in check, so it’s not corrupted by comparisons to others
Worth and usefulness are different
“Never check your religion at the door” – Elder Holland
We must deepen our understanding in the differences between God’s Love and God’s
“Our compassion and our love—fundamental characteristics and requirements of our
Christianity—must never be interpreted as compromising the commandments.” – Elder
Following God’s Laws are easy when everyone around us is doing so too, but when we
feel pulled in different directions by friends or loved ones, it gets more difficult to follow
Some people fear that loving others who sin means condoning the sin, but Christ didn’t
believe so
"One of the greatest indicators of righteous character is the capacity to recognize and
appropriately respond to other people who are experiencing the very challenge or
adversity that is most immediately and forcefully pressing upon us.” – Mosiah 3:19
Loving those around us unconditionally does not mean we are ignoring God’s Laws
One of the best ways that Christ was able to be a balanced advocate was by always
seeking to please Heavenly Father
If we don’t put God first in all things, then our understanding and application of love can
become distorted.
We have to be mindful of our reactions to things we may disagree with, as to not let pride
or our own insecurities take over
We must continue to challenge ourselves to learn to love the way God loves, while also
trusting His laws for us
Only Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can love unconditionally – worldly love always
has some level of condition attached to it
Remember the story of the woman taken in adultery – “let those without sin, cast the first
Week 02 Reflection:
What personal impressions did you have as you reviewed the material?
I felt that the discussion topics this week are incredibly difficult, but important to talk
about. Personally, I’m an advocate for sex education and plan on making this a part of my career
path in the future. In a perfect world, abortion would never be necessary, however, the influences
Satan has on the Earth leads to situations where that tough decision is made. With proper sex
education and resources available to all, majority of the abortions could be prevented. I don’t
believe Heavenly Father would’ve given us the gift of agency if He wanted us to force others to
do or believe what we tell them too. We all have a choice, regardless of if that choice is what
everyone would do.
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What did you learn from your peers this week? (PLEASE NOTE: If you are unable to attend your
zoom meeting in any given week, you can still receive points for answering this question by
discussing the week's topics with a family member and friend and then giving a brief summary of
your discussion and what you learned from the person you shared with.)
I really liked something Tihane said about character. That it is, “who we are when no one
is looking.”
We also all had really good discussion around sin and how it can be viewed as
different levels of sin, when really no one is perfect and we shouldn’t be letting our own
perceptions or biases influence judgement towards others.
How is this lesson helpful to you as a family advocate?
This lesson was great in helping me realize that certain topics I’m passionate about and
would like to advocate for in the future, still have a lot of unknown information to me. I think in
order to properly advocate, you must be knowledgeable about all aspects of a topic and be
willing to learn more each day. I need to learn to be prepared for whatever questions and
comments may be asked and be willing to listen to other’s perspectives. It also gave me an
opportunity to think about what topics are the most important to me and what I’d like to pursue
Week 01 Notes:
With the gift of agency, we are given the choice to follow or not to follow the voice of the
Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost helps us become “learners who act on faith”
When we have the knowledge to seek answers by faith, then we will be guided,
strengthened, and protected to act and ultimately do what is right
Having agency as a learner gives us the great responsibility to monitor what we will learn
and how well we will learn
We can all end up creating limitations on ourselves
Agency allows us to be independent of the choices and actions we take and not just adjust
as things are thrown our way without a choice in the matter
We are all solely responsible for our academic successes throughout our lives because of
the great gift of agency
Knowledge is the only thing we take with us to the Eternal Kingdom
How much we each learn while on Earth will affect and determine our next life
Understanding and fulfilling our responsibility will help us stand up for our beliefs and
Understanding our responsibilities will help us as learners will help us follow the path of
"A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge, for if he does not get knowledge, he
will be brought into captivity by some evil power in the other world, as evil spirits will
have more knowledge, and consequently more power than many men who are on the
earth." (Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith)
We are gaining all the knowledge we can to help us defeat the evils of this world
Our voices will be powerful when we have to advocate for those who may not be able to
The family is one of the crucial things that help a child's development, which means that
we must do what I can to protect them
"Whether by my own voice or the voice of my servants, it is the same."
As an advocate, we are speaking the words of Heavenly Father in protecting His children
"The simple truth is that the family is 'the fundamental unit of society."
Many of us can pour out our hearts and souls in prayer, but we often forget to listen
afterwards to hear what Heavenly Father has to say back to us
"Pray in the name of Jesus Christ about your concerns, your fears, your weaknesses—
yes, the very longings of your heart. And then listen! Write the thoughts that come to your
mind. Record your feelings and follow through with actions that you are prompted to
take. As you repeat this process day after day, month after month, year after year, you will
grow into the principle of revelation.” (Russell M. Nelson)
Some believe we have no choice whether we get offended/upset/angry in certain
situations, however if our spouse, coworker, family member, etc., says something that is
offensive to us, it is up to us individually how offended/upset we will become by it
Giving others control over our emotions, goes against the idea of agency for our choices
Agency is applied in small and large ways. It’s not just life changing decisions, it’s also
the daily things like; waking up on time for school/work, eating a healthy breakfast,
attending Church activities regularly.
Week 01 Reflection:
What personal impressions did you have as you reviewed the material?
I was particularly prompted by the lessons to consider how important the family is and how
impactful having a strong family unit is to the future of our society.
The meaning of what a
family is has changed a lot in recent years. Many couples have children without being married
first or establishing a firm family foundation. This can also further contribute to the downfall of
the marriage in the future since each person may view a family dynamic differently. I believe that
if we are strong in our morals and beliefs then we can work together to combat Satan’s
What did you learn from your peers this week? (If you were unable to attend your zoom
meeting you can still respond to this question by discussing what you learned with a
family member or friend and writing a paragraph summary of what you learned during
that discussion.)
There wasn’t a zoom meeting this week, however, I was able to share some of the lessons with
family and friends. In the past when I’ve shared lessons from classes, I’ve needed to do most of
the talking to keep the discussion flowing. This topic, however, was relatable enough for
everyone that they felt more comfortable chatting. We all have individual agency and even if
someone’s beliefs are different, we can still love them. When we’re more open with each other,
and start these conversations with friends and family, it can lead them to ask more questions in
the future as well. As I have these conversations, I realize that sometimes it’s not just about the
“what” we are teaching, but the “when” we are teaching them and the mindset they have at the
time. This can be a huge factor in how well the conversations influence them.
How is this lesson helpful to you as a family advocate?
I pondered why I chose to pursue this career field initially, since it will be a mental challenge for
me in many ways. One of the biggest factors for me is being a part of helping children have a
better future. Since I have personally experienced many traumas as a young child and into my
adulthood, I feel as though I can connect to those children uniquely. Through many years of
therapy, support, and self-reflection, I’ve been lucky enough to overcome many of the effects
those experiences had on me, however not everyone who experiences these kinds of trauma is
able to recover from it. The first step in my opinion is attacking it at the source. If we provide
more education and resources to the parents, then they can more directly influence the children in
their homes. And even just small changes in the daily patterns of parenting can have significant
long-term effects on these trauma responses.
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