3-1 Discussion: Reducing Malpractice Claims
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From the risk manager's point of view, we can see that they take great care to ensure that hospital staff members are using the online interpretation system. This is concerning because all patients must be able to fully understand what is being communicated. All staff members must make use of this application, particularly when dealing with patients who have language problems, to make sure they fully comprehend every step of the hospital process. Patients' mental health may also suffer if they are unable to comprehend the care providers. "Language discrepancies may result in increased psychological stress and medically significant communication errors for already anxious patients, something to which patients in language-congruent encounters are less vulnerable" (R. Meuter, C. Gallois, N. Segalowitz, A. Ryder and J. Hocking n.d.). Guidelines for giving patients with language challenges this information include "Title VI of the US Civil Rights Act states that people cannot be discriminated against as a result of their national origin, race, or color, which has been extrapolated to include primary language by the US Office for Civil Rights and Department of Health and Human Services" Karliner, L. S., 2018).
R. Meuter, C. Gallois, N. Segalowitz, A. Ryder and J. Hocking (n.d.) The Impact of Language Barriers on the Healthcare Industry. Language Network.
Karliner, L. S. (2018, April 1) When Patients and Providers Speak Different Languages.
PSNet. Patient Safety Network. https://psnet.ahrq.gov/web-mm/when-patients-and-