Josiah Lazar
CST 1103
Professor Shippey
Word Count: 254
Module 6 reflection
In this week’s reading, we have learned all about the gospels in the Bible.
We learn that
the New Testament begins with four narratives about Jesus’ life and ministry which were called
the Gospels (Arterbury, Bellinger, Dodson, 155).
The first thing in this chapter that stood out to
me was that the Gospels were not the earliest New Testament chapters.
This came as a shock
to me because they are the first chapters of the New Testament which pretty much suggests
that they were the earliest chapters of the New Testament.
Something else that I did not know before this reading was the Jesus spoke Aramaic.
always thought he spoke English based on reading the Bible and from Christian shows (I am
mostly referring to “The Chosen”).
In “The Chosen,” throughout what I have seen of the show,
Jesus spoke English the entire time.
Another fact that was brought to my attention was that the Gospels were written in
A question that came to mind was, “if Jesus speaks Aramaic, then why are they written