Do you think Moralistic Therapeutic Deism is an accurate reflection of society today?
In my opinion, Moralistic Therapeutic Deism accurately captures the nature of modern day
society. The first-ever nationwide research of biblical and competing worldviews, AWVI 2021,
discovered that while three quarters of MTD adherents (74%) identify as Christians, barely one-
sixth (16%) meet the criteria for being born-again based on their theology. The investigation also
discovered that the bulk of this group's opinions run counter to fundamental biblical teachings. It
is common for many people in today's society to search for pleasure, and some justify their
choices with what they perceive to be Christian beliefs or values. Whether or whether what they
choose to do is in line with God's Word, many who identify as Christians assert that God wants
them to live their truth and be who they are intended to be. For example, I have seen a church
where the pastor was gay and was preaching the Word of God. However, the BIble says “If a
man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall
surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” Leviticus 20:13. The problem with this is that
the pastor was teaching something, but living in opposition to what the Bible says. They believe
that after they die, if they are nice, helpful, and kind to others, God is pleased and they will go to
heaven. The Bible says nothing about this notion and contains no passages that discuss it. There
is nothing we can do that will allow us to gain eternity with Christ in heaven, it is only by the
grace and mercy of God. A Searchable Online Bible in Over 150 Versions and 50 Languages.