I was raised in an era that was taught to not talk about race, religion, or politics. It seems as
though now we are always talking about those topics. I think it can be difficult to speak about
race and ethnicity because people are so worried about offending other people. It's hard to
ask genuine questions or speak about race and ethnicity because they feel they will be
attacked for saying the wrong thing. The SC Professional Dispositions of Learners tells us that
having a Reflective attitude can be helpful when speaking about or listening to others speak
about race or ethnicity. It calls for having the self-awareness to reflect on our own position,
words, and actions. Another value is to have Honesty which asks the counselor to have sound
moral character. This creates a space for a client and counselor to have unconditional positive
regard and all for hard conversations such as race and ethnicity.
Grand Canyon
University. (n.d.). SC Professional Disposition of Learners. AWS Files.