Theories of Ethics
Mid-Semester Term Paper Topics
Marks: 25
Word Limit: 1500 (For Undergraduate Students only) Instructions: Attempt any One
question. Use proper citation and referencing styles throughout your paper. Any plagiarism would lead to an F. 1.
What is Virtue? Critically discuss the notion of virtue in the context of Aristotle’s conception of ethics, particularly in comparison with Plato’s virtue theory. 2.
Do you think Virtue ethics can be a viable approach to contemporary ethical issues? What ethical phenomena/experience can it accommodate/ explain, and where do you think it might be lacking? Discuss with reference to both the various types of virtue ethics (both Aristotelian and non-Aristotelian) and other major ethical approaches and provide concrete examples. 3.
How is the link between intention, will, emotion and action conceived in virtue ethics? Critically discuss with reference to the phenomenon of Akrasia, Enkrateia and Kakos (evil). 4.
What is the conception of rationality underlying virtue ethics? In this connection discuss the
difference/interrelation between moral and intellectual virtues. How does this conception of
rationality influence and differentiate Aristotelian virtue ethics from other ethical approaches?