When discussing sin and grace with anyone it is important to have a clear and concise definition that way individuals can understand easily and not be mistaken and confused. Sin is anything immoral done that separates us from God and leads to death. Grace is the undeserved favor we received from God sending his son to die on the cross for our sins. Mercy is compassion or forgiveness from God when he has in his full authority and power to punish us for our sins rightfully. The scripture that comes to mind when thinking about having a healthy balance of understanding sin and grace is first Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord". (The Holy Bible,
New International Version,
2017). With this scripture you can share the Bridge Illustration created by The Navigators to show how sin separates us from God, and Jesus is the only way back to God. In this illustration you ask the individual to define wages, sin, death,
gift, and eternal life and you help them to understand how that fits in to the Bible. A verse to help in the balance of understanding the importance of not sinning, even though we have been forgiven is in Romans 6 where Paul says shall we continue sinning in the light of God's grace and mercy, by no means since we were crucified with Christ and no longer live in sin.
Gideons International.
The Holy Bible : New International Version.
Lutterworth, England, The Gideons International In The British Isles, 2012.