Pay For Essay
Brigham Young University, Idaho *
*We aren’t endorsed by this school
Nov 24, 2024
Uploaded by LieutenantWallaby3960
When choosing ones profession there are always two important questions to ask yourself. Is it what
you love doing, and is the pay going to be enough to support you. For me the second question has
never had much of an impact on my decision, along with most others who are educators or wish to
become one. Teaching is not a job that one chooses to be rewarded by the pay. It is a job that is
chosen for the rewarding feeling of knowing that it is the most effective, and most enjoyable way
one can change the world; therefore, if teachers are noble enough to sacrifice such a huge aspect just
to better our future generations, then don't you think they should be paid what they deserve?
I believe educators are one of the most important careers out more content...
The answer is we wouldn't have any chance of obtaining a degreed required profession without
Research salaries in Michigan shows that Michigan kindergarten teachers without special education
earn a yearly average of $51,550. Michigan elementary school teachers without special education
make an average yearly income of $57,410. Middle school teachers in Michigan except special
education, career and technical education make an average of $56,230. Michigan secondary school
teachers, except special, career and technical education make a yearly average of $57,150. provides that Michigan post secondary educators can make an average yearly
income anywhere from $67,670 to $99,730.
The low pay for our educators is causing many negative effects. New York Times shows that the low
income is causing sixty–two percent of teachers to have a second job outside of their teaching jobs.
Just to have enough money to support their families and make ends meet. Most everyone decides to
college to prevent having these struggles with money, and to avoid having to work multiple jobs,
when they get older; however, not when it comes to living off of only a teacher's income, the
struggles to have enough money are interminable. This low pay is also causing most teachers to
retire, and find new jobs. New York Times states, "every year 20 percent of teachers in urban
districts quit. Nationwide, 46 percent of teachers quit before their fifth year. The turnover costs the
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Equality Of Pay For Women Essay
With the high demand for qualified workers, women looked to higher education to better improve
their chances of entering the professional fields. A main contributor to the success of the feminist
movement was the increasing amount of women receiving 4 year degrees. According to Ryan &
Bauman (2015) "In 1967, 13 percent of men held a bachelor's degree or higher compared to 8
percent of women whoever the gap has narrowed over time. From 1970 through 1990, the gap was
in the range of 6 to 8 percent. In 2000, the gap had fallen to 4 percentage points, and to 1 point in
2010" 2nd wave feminism was manifested by the increasing number of educated women tired of
feeling unfulfilled by the role of homemaker. The social landscape was far different than
more content...
and Europe have many of the same problems and issues, what differs between the two is how they
handle these issues. The same can be said about the issue of gender pay equality. First of the western
countries to pass legislation specifically addressing gender discrimination was the U.S. with the
1965 Equal Pay Act, European countries were slower to adopt such a policy. In 1970 the U.K.
enacted their own Equal Pay Act and followed up in 1975 with the Sex Discrimination Act. France
created their own law to address the gender pay gap on March 23 2006. Spain followed suit and
passed a law pertaining to equality of pay for women in 2007, Germany has no such law currently in
the books (O'Dorchai, 2011 p.254). While most of the European countries haven't had laws in place
as long as the U.S. they have seen better results. This is because of a few factors but the biggest is
that the politics in Europe tend to lean more liberal and supporting of equality for all. All of these
countries are part of a larger group known and the EU or European Union which has enacted its own
measures to help close the wage gap. The EU has persuaded many European countries to adopt a
policy that forces an audit at the end of the year on companies to measure their progress in
implementing gender equality and equal pay (O'Dorchai, 2011 p.255). The emphasis on equality
over private business shows the difference between Europe and the
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Attending college once you finish high school has become a thing of the norm. Years ago, college
was considered a thing for the wealthy. If you were poor going to college may not have been an
option. With financial aid, those who wouldn't normally be able to afford college are able to attend.
There are many ways that can help pay for college but in the end, it is still can be expensive. Student
loans are very helpful but can put you in financial hardship trying to pay them back. Tuition is a
thing I know a little too well. I have been in college for almost teen years. The one thing I regret is
not getting a scholarship After I graduated in 2005 from high school, I went on to attend Lone Star
College. I have also attended a technical school more content...
There are tons of scholarship opportunities out there based on a variety of qualifications –
academics, athletics, cultural and community experiences, background, location, desired major or
area of study, accomplishments. If you get creative, you'll find a lot of options available out there.
For example, football scholarships aren't just for football players, but some schools offer them to
other members of the team like equipment managers (Sadler, 2017). The difference between loans
and scholarships is that you do not have to pay those scholarships back. There are literally hundreds
of different types available, so consider these as soon as possible. The more you are awarded, the
less money you'll have to pay back for student loans. Even if you earn a couple of smaller
scholarships, every little bit helps to whittle down that student loan balance (Student Debt Relief,
2017). Last year I was awarded a five–hundred–dollar scholarship. I had to write a one–page essay
on why I thought I deserved to be chosen for the scholarship and why I wanted to go into my career
field. It was that simple. I encourage everyone to consider the available scholarships to help pay for
college. If there is an opportunity to pay for college without getting into debt, I would advise anyone
to take advantage of
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Low Salary For A Teacher
Low Pay in Teaching In San Francisco, the average salary for a teacher is approximately $59,000
which would equal to earning about $220,000 a year. The average home in San Francisco is
approximately $485,000 (Elsen). This shows that the pay for teachers is so low teachers cannot
afford to live in the city of San Francisco. Teachers worldwide have been working harder and longer
hours, yet they are still struggling with their pay. Even if the teacher's job is to teach the current
generations that will later on take on the important responsibilities that come along with adulthood,
their job is being taking for granted and they are being paid as if their job could be done by anyone
with no educational background. Teaching seems like it could be done by anyone, but in reality it
does take some skill or at least some effort to be a good teacher. Since teachers are surrounded by
students at all times, they need to know the easiest ways for their students to learn the material with
the least amount of problems. The last thing they want is to have their students struggle with the
class, and not understand what the lesson is about. Also, not only are they teaching multiple students
at once, but multiple students who learn in different ways. There are students who learn verbally and
others who prefer to see it (visually). Not to mention they are students who learn by doing hands–on
projects. The teacher must find a balance in between all the teaching styles in order to please or help
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Argumentative Essay: Should Teachers Be Paid?
Public school teachers around the United States are not earning fair pay. When compared with other
fields such as computer science, engineering, or the medical field, teachers earn among the lowest
pay grade of all jobs. The thought of living on a low–income frightens many potentially amazing
and well qualified students from pursuing a degree in education
. Teacher pay is beginning to affect
students education as well; therefore, causing children to not obtain the education they deserve.
Teachers should be receiving more money because valuable teachers are walking away and superior
education begins with quality teachers.
First of all, applicants are opting out of becoming teachers because of the stress and strain it puts on
their life. Teachers do not get enough credit for how much work they do between grading papers,
dealing with multiple personalities a day, and the amount of disrespect they encounter it is hard even
beginning to imagine. Additionally, financial stress can be found in teachers across the country. The
low wages of becoming an educator are forcing teachers to get second jobs just to make ends meet.
According to Alia Wong, an education writer for the Atlantic News, countless stories have been told
about professionals who have awards and recognition for the work they do in their district,
more content...
Therefore, teachers do not make as much money because they have already received the benefit of
not paying so much for college. While this is true for some fields, a bachelor's degree program in
education typically ranges from $25,000 at state universities to $100,000 or more at private
universities (Cost Helper). This is comparative to an average engineering degree ($26,485) for state
universities which is actually not that much more money to get the degree, yet the engineers are
earning double and sometimes even triple the salary that a typical public school teacher
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Pay for Performance Essay
Pay for Performance
Park University
Incentive pay, also known as "pay for performance" is generally given for specific performance
results rather than simply for time worked. While incentives are not the answer to all personnel
challenges, they can do much to increase worker performance. (Billikopf) Performance pay has
various names: merit pay, pay for performance, knowledge–and–skill– based pay, or individual or
group incentive pay. (Delisio) Pay for performance systems have further been proven to have two
advantages for organizations: attracting more high–quality employees and motivating employees to
exert more effort at their jobs. (Gordon, Kaswin) This paper will show the positive benefits of
performance pay as more content...
Pivotal in that philosophy development is how and to what extent pay will be tied to specific types
of performance. This issue will not be treated the same in every organization. However, every
business should be able to identify certain performance objectives it wants its workforce to fulfill
and the financial outcome that will be achieved if that result is attained. Such a projection can be
translated into an increased shareholder value figure. (The VisionLink Advisory Group)
Features of Effective Plans
Top Management Support Supervisors must understand the incentive pay process in order to support
and administer it. Oftentimes, a lack of understanding causes managers to ignore or adapt the
process as they see fit. Moreover, if supervisors are not trained on how to measure performance, the
process will not be standardized across the company. (Gordon, Kaswin) Having buy–in from key
stakeholders is crucial for the success of an incentive pay system. For example, if top management
does not support such a program, lower–level managers will place little importance on effectively
administering the program. Hence, a lack of top management support often leads to a lack of
accountability. (Gordon, Kaswin)
Consistent and methodical communication is necessary when implementing an incentive pay plan. It
will ensure employees understand what is expected of them while decreasing the likelihood
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Equal Women, Equal Pay Essays
As long as an American woman is putting in the same amount of hours with the same qualifications
and experience in the same occupation as an American male, and yet taking home a wage that is any
lower, she is not being treated fairly as an equal. Contrary to many arguments, it's undeniable that a
wage gap exists, and while there are various ideas as to the most probable cause, there is no reason
why this gap should continue to go uncorrected or unchanged. Our government should take concrete
steps to close the gender wage gap because it violates women's rights and equality.
A woman's right to equality should guarantee her that she will be treated fairly in the workplace and
that she is respected as having equal value and worth as her more content...
Even our president was corrected for a slight mistake during his remarks on equal pay for equal
work stating that the women only made 70 cents for every dollar a man earns, which the White
House later corrected as 77 cents (Remarks on Equal Pay for Equal Work). "Women earn only 77
cents for every dollar men earn, with women of color at an even greater disadvantage with 64 cents
on the dollar for African American women and 56 cents for Hispanic women." – White House
Statement of Administration Policy on Paycheck Fairness Act, June 4. [2]
According to the US Census Bureau, in 2010 the median earnings for women were $36,931
compared to $47,715 for men. [3] The majority of college degrees earned in the US are by women,
and yet a study according to the American Association of University Women found that these
educated graduated women are starting out with earning 5 percent less than their male peers. This
was after several factors were taken into account, such as experience, training, and what school
women earned their degrees from. Their study summarizes that, "In this analysis the portion of the
pay gap that remains unexplained after all other factors are taken into account is 5 percent one year
after graduation and 12 percent ten years after graduation." – Behind the Pay Gap, American
Association of University Women, Dey, Judy Goldberg
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Equal Pay For Equal Work
Equal Pay for Equal Work
Ellen F. Gossett
English Composition II
Trevecca Nazarene University Abstract
There are many forms of discrimination that our society still faces even today. Whether it is
discrimination against someone for religion, race, sexuality, or just the way they look, someone is
always being targeted. There is one place in particular that discrimination should not be happening,
but it is, and that is in our workplaces. The group being most discriminated against in the workplace
is women. Women, who have the same education, years of experience, and training as men, are
being paid less and not being paid equally for equal work. Equal Pay for Equal Work
While companies strive to remain profitable and build a people first culture, it is the same
organizations that should standardize the pay for the position or title, and not have large gaps
between the pay ranges for men and women. Women should be paid the same as men in the same
positions with the same education and experience. This statement is true; first, because it is
discrimination against women to pay them less, the practice of not paying equal pay for equal work
and education is not only biased but also highly shameful to the ethics of woman everywhere.
Second, not giving women equal pay for equal work sends a message to women that no matter how
hard she works in her career, she can never equal up to a male in the same position, which is also
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Equal Pay for Equal Work
Equal Pay for Equal Work For years, women have been fighting for equality in everything that they
do. If one takes a close look at the issues surrounding the differences between men's and women's
roles in the workforce, one will notice that women tend to be one step below on the "status" or
"importance" ladder. In American society, the woman has always been viewed traditionally in the
role she should play in the home; that she is the "homemaker" or "caretaker". Even when women
break from the stereotype of "housewife" and join the workforce, they still are not given an equal
opportunity at acquiring a job that is seen to be as advancing or of garnering higher recognition.
Women deserve the same pay for the same work performed by their more content...
In 2005, women averaged $135 less per week then men, which equates to men averaging $1.85
more per hour than their equal female counterparts (USDL, "Employment Status of Women and
Men in 2005" 2). In 2008, women averaged $160 less per week than men, which is $8,320 less
annually (USDL, "Women's–to–Men's Earning Ration, 1979–2008" 1). A study conducted by
PRWeek showed that, "in 2000, men working on salary wage made 28 percent more than women
doing the same job" (qtd. in Wrigley 28). Women working in public relations jobs are making
$23,000 less annually than the equal male counterparts (Wrigley 28). For years women have been
fighting for equality and for the same pay for the same work as men; there are many arguments as to
why people feel women are not as equal as men in the workplace. Some feel women choose to make
less than men, that there is nothing wrong with a woman making less money than a man who is
performing the same task. Many believe attendance affects pay while others believe women tend to
take professions that do not risk their lives and that are less physically demanding (Fisanick,
Feminism 131). There are many women out there who despite the gender differences are risking
their lives with jobs that are just as physically demanding as jobs that men are doing, despite their
physical size. A woman's skeleton may be 10 to 15 percent smaller than a man's skeleton; studies
have shown that there is truly little difference. The mental and
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Performance-based Compensation
Performance–based Compensation – Pay for Performance
Corporations are looking for new ways to improve employee performance as well as remain
competitive. Pay for performance is one method some businesses are utilizing to improve employee
performance. Performance–based compensation exists when compensation is tied directly to that
portion of an individual's performance that can be effectively measured. There are a number of ways
in which this may be accomplished and a number of examples as well how it is applied. One of the
oldest examples is taken from the ancient Egyptians
, where slaves working in the pyramids were
given bread for superior performance. Payment of commission for sales production is one of the
methods used today.
Most more content...
The concept and practical approach for setting up a variable pay program is goal setting,
performance threshold and. maximum pay out. Effectively goal–setting a program means closely
aligning the needs of the business with the employee's interest. Present an understandable
performance contract between the organization and the employees, tie in contribution and rewards,
motivate the employees and enable the company to meet planning budgeting requirements. Set
performance goals for each measurement period based on SMART principles. Setting the
Performance Threshold – most variable pay programs use a performance threshold, the minimum
level an employee must reach in order to qualify for variable pay. The threshold takes into
consideration compensation costs which is covered by minimally acceptable outcomes before a
company incurs any additional costs. Maximum Pay out– it is a fact that most companies do not
calculate their pay–out to performance ratio. The basic formula is calculating the pay–out to
performance ratio of the target to the threshold and the maximum to the target utilizing percents of
the target. Dependent on what the outcome reveals, it may be advantageous for the manager to meet
the target rather than exceed it. There is not a particular formula for assessing the appropriate pay
for performance ration. The correction partnership will be a formula that works for one's
organization and is aligned with
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Ways To Pay For College Essay
Summary – This article by CNN Money discusses 7 different ways to pay for college. College is
getting increasingly more expensive and the good thing is most students receive financial aid, but
still, there are many students graduating with large amounts of debt. Henceforth, there are ulterior
options to make paying for college easier. A few examples, grants, work–study jobs, private
scholarships, and claiming tax credits. Some decide to live off campus or to enroll into a community
college to help decrease the cost of school. Each method is unique to a student's circumstances,
whether or not they'll live on campuses not, take a leap year, and or the economic environment they
live in. These different factors affect your eligibility for some of these methods such as grants and
financial aid. Even without a scholarship, plenty of other methods of paying for college are
available. Connection to Essential Question – This article connects to my college research in the
aspect of methods that make affording college easier. According to the article, "At the average
private college, for example, the sticker price for tuition, room, and board was $45,370 last year. But
the average student actually paid $26,080, according to The College Board.". This states that the
average student ends up with debt after school more content...
Lately, I've been thinking about it less and less and more of the quality of the education the school
provides. This is mainly because not only my parents but the adults around me all of whom have
attained a postsecondary degree have all had the same advice, to focus more on the school itself and
my education and less about cost, essentially telling me to try and get to get into the best school
possible and worry about cost later. This article is very helpful and I would recommend it to anyone
searching for ways to make college more
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Pay-For-Performance In Health Care
Historically medical providers have been paid under a fee–for–service system in which they receive
pay for their service regardless of the patient outcome. Fee–for–service has been thought to generate
excessive, unnecessary services that increase profits. Pay–for–Performance is based on the concept
of offering "financial rewards to providers who achieve, improve, or exceed their performance on
specified quality and cost measures" (
Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute, 2015).
Pay–for–performance has the potential to positively and negatively impact healthcare and patient
outcomes. A positive aspect of the system includes transparency in the care received and patient
outcomes. In turn, this impacts nurses working in coordination with
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Women's Unequal Pay
Women's Unequal Pay
Equality. The definition of equality in the Declaration of Independence states that, "all men are
created equal." According to this constitution that we live in correlation with, it suggest and says
that we are the same, no one is greater than anyone, whether it be a woman or man. In response to
the statement, why should women be paid less than men? Woman should and deserve the right be
paid equally for the same jobs they possess in comparison to men.
Women have always been seen inferior to men, and in a result has impacted us in a negative way
that affects us by being paid lower. In Obama's State Address, he mentioned that "for every dollar a
man earns a woman earns seventy–seven cents" (Obama). Women nowadays take place and are in
an environment where their jobs are equal or even higher than men, yet they still get paid less.
Personally I believe that it is unfair for this situation to take place because women have transformed
from the past. In the past, women have been perceived as only the mother and that they should stay
home and take care of the children, and to have the food ready for their husband, to be the typical
wife. Back then women were not forced nor allowed to take place in the working environment; this
was the husband's job. Times have changed and so have women, now that there are more
advancements in our modern time, such as technology, we have taken charge and made an impact in
learning, working, and wanting to pursue
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Pros And Cons For Students To Get Paid For Grades
Get paid for grades! Do you want to get paid for A's? If students got paid for A's it would help them
understand the value of money. It will prepare them for a real life job expectations.It offers
oportunities to earn spending money and offers some motivation. They would begin to set up a
system that involves, students getting paid for final test scores and A's only. More kids would have
successful careers. Students with more motivation (like money) would also lead to a better standard
of living. The next generation would be more educated and ready. Maybe they could even create
more jobs. Also we could see more advancements in medicine and technology. Kids could stop
spending parents money and start spending their own. Students having
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Professional Athlete Salaries Essay
Professional Athlete Salaries In today's society many will argue whether or not professional athletes
are overpaid. In the present time athletes are being paid phenomenally large amounts of money for
their entertainment. It is my claim that all professional athletes are overpaid because they do not
offer society an essential function that improves or enhances our world in comparison to other
professionals such as medical doctors, lawyers, and teachers. Society does not value entertainment
enough to warrant such high salaries such as those of many professional athletes. There is no reason
that these athletes should demand these tremendous amounts of money. This is why you have to put
into question their reasoning for demanding more content...
In an article from the New York Times Patrick Ewing quotes "with the money I'm making now I
can't afford to support my family." (E13). This comment is ridiculous; there is no way that a multi–
millionaire should have a problem supporting their family. These athletes have to set their priorities
logically and realistically, a person doesn't "need" a multi–million dollar estate they just want one;
this is what angers me. Another aspect that can be touched upon is whether or not they respect the
people who provide their paychecks; those being their fans. Athletes argue that they are role models
for children and endorse products. This is true, but it is what goes along with the job. I would be
prod if I knew that billions and billions of young impressionable children wanted to be just like me.
You should not have to be paid to be a role model, there is no reason that one should be negative,
commit crimes, and do "bad" things regardless of you being an athlete or not. It should be an honor
to be praised and loved by billions, this is why I feel the reasoning of the professional athletes that
demand higher wages are illegitimate. The value of entertainment in our society is arguable. We as a
society constantly search for new ways to entertain ourselves; professional sports are a major
contribution to our source of entertainment. If those who support athletes and their sports have no
problem paying to see them,
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Students Should Get Paid Essay
"Mom, if you want me to go to school, give me five dollars." This is an example of what might
happen if you pay your kids for great grades. If schools truly wanted kids to succeed, they would
teach them better, do new lessons, and not pay students for anything they're supposed to be doing all
ready. Paying children for favorable grades robs their feeling of accomplishment. In addition, they
don't take in what they've been taught in class. Also, money doesn't really help the kids in the long
run, if you're not teaching them about it. Paying students for superb grades is a poor idea, as a result
they only do their work for the money, and they want the money so badly, they lose the love. To
begin with, students should not be paid for exceptional grades, as a result it robs their feeling of
accomplishment. According to "Parents paying their children money for excellent grades is a
horrible idea", by Gisler and Eberts, " Many parents don't realize that giving money to children for
grades robs their feeling of accomplishment." This means, giving children money they only do their
work if they're getting paid, and they don't learn as much. The effect of this is that they don't get that
feeling of them doing their work all by themselves with nothing supporting more content...
It's gone on for a long time in corporate America. I feel that it can be effective incentive as long as
you're using it as a teachable moment to tell them about budgeting and saving." The source that
supports this quote is, "– Should Parents Pay for Good Grades?" But
undoubtedly this can be denounced because even if teachers do pay kids for acceptable grades, what
do they teachers get out of it? Higher test scores? Better grades? The students won't really learn
anything. For the reasons above, students should not be paid for acceptable
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Should Students Pay For College? Essay
Being an undergraduate student and transferring from a community college I began to wonder the
cost to join a university. I know that it's rather cheaper to do the first two years at a community
college rather than going straight to Kinarda university. Each year, tuition is rising and more
students begin to take out loans to obtain their educational degree. After doing research I discovered
there is a lot that goes in to the price students pay to attend school. Paying for college is like a
partnership. The federal government, states, institutions, foundations and individual students and
their families all have a role in paying for college. The government ensures equal educational
opportunity through student aid programs. States also assure access by subsidizing public colleges to
keep tuition cost within reach of their citizens. Institutions also come into play for paying tuition.
Institutions aim to maximize quality and minimize tuition inflation. However institutions never
charge tuition equivalent to the full cost of a college education. We also discussed in class that
private foundations and other organizations provide private funding to institutions. Some donors
provide scholarships that are allocate directly to students.
Furthermore, what I really enjoyed discussing in this class was about for–profit institutions and how
they work. According to research, many observers of higher education opposed for–profit colleges
and universities spending high dollars on
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Pay For Performance (P4P)
Pay for Performance (P4P)
Pay for performance in healthcare provides financial incentives to clinicians or hospitals in order to
improve health outcomes. Clinical outcomes, such as improved survival, are not easy to measure,
therefore pay for performance systems usually measure process outcomes.
There is an ongoing debate whether pay for performance improves healthcare. Even large incentives
may not change the way medicine is practised. However, in some observational studies incentives
do change the practice of medicine, but even when they do, they do not show to improve clinical
outcomes. There is criticism concerning pay for performance for reasons as that it is a technique
borrowed from corporate management
, where the main outcome of concern is profit, and therefore
designed to meet the specific more content...
P4P rewards physicians, hospitals, medical groups, and other healthcare providers when they are
able to meet certain performance measures of quality (indicators for quality) and efficiency. In
contrast, it may penalize caregivers for suboptimal outcomes, medical errors, or increased costs.
The small number of studies performed in several large healthcare systems only have shown modest
improvements in specific outcomes or quality indicators involved, but often effects are not
sustained, and improved outcomes were rarely or not measured[ ]. Moreover, most studies fail to
demonstrate reductions in money spend. Although scientific medical organisations and associations
have approved some incentive programs, they also have expressed concerns with respect to the
validity of quality indicators, patient and physician autonomy and privacy, and increased
administrative burdens.
More specific for Intensive Care there is limited information available. In an overview empirical
studies, narrative and systematic reviews, and commentaries addressing pay–for–performance
programs were summarized[
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Paying For College Essay
Paying for college may be a difficult process for many. There's numerous things to worry about such
as paying too much money, a large amount of debt and also those who aren't financially stable worry
about the lack of money they have to pay for college. This essay will illustrate how students can
fund their college education by scholarships, private student loans, and a part time job. Scholarships
is one of the most helpful ways to get into college it also allows students to save money. "The
money you receive will go directly towards the cost of college and you do not have to pay it back,
which reduces the amount you take out in student loans and pay out of pocket''. College is already
stressful enough having to worry about how college is going to be paid is even more stressful. The
fact that the amount of pressure can be reduced is absolutely astonishing. Scholarships also allows
students to have more money saved for student loans. Applying for scholarships is an easy process
there are websites such as and also
" is one of the only free rewards programs online that gives away over
100,000 dollars to students and prospective students each year'. more content...
This is a great help for those who may not be able to afford money to pay for the classes in college.
Private student loans allows those students to be able to pay for the classes using that money. When
graduation time comes students will be able to have up to $500 to repay that money. It also help
students get the education they want and need without having to worry about the cost. Because
private student loans already has it covered. Although private student loans are offered in some
schools it doesn't take away the fact that it is extremely
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