discussion 1 tech 100



Ashford University *

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May 20, 2024





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The importance of living by a code of ethics. Developing and living by a code of ethics is essential. Your code of ethics involves applying your values and standards to every aspect of your life. Living by your code of ethics shows others you are a responsible and trustworthy person. They define what you stand for as a person. Describe an experience where you have seen technology used for the good . Advances in technology for medicine are beneficial to people with diabetes. "Diabetes affects 37 million Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." For people with diabetes, the continuous glucose monitoring sensor alerts them when there is a change in their blood sugar. They also have a hybrid device that monitors blood sugar and delivers insulin. The CGM is helpful to diabetics because it tracks data in real-time on their smartphones. This technology helps people with diabetes understand how certain foods and exercise affect their blood sugar (Lindsay Modglin Forbes Health). Describe an example of how technology has been or could be misused . Criminals using ransomware to gain control of computer files, systems, and networks is an example of misusing technology. These criminals often require people to pay ransom to regain control of their computer systems (fbi.gov). Explain your thoughts on the governments use of technology to monitor its citizens. To what degree should governments use technology to monitor its citizens. I believe the United States Government should use technology to protect its citizens from terrorists. The Patriot Act was passed to make it legal for fbi to monitor citizens without having permission from a judge. Instead of terrorist’s it seems the fbi is using surveillance to spy on other people and charge them with unrelated crimes such as money laundering and drug offenses. There are pros and cons to most types of government surveillance. Traffic cams that put car tags into a database to search for stolen cars and missing children can help stop criminals and save lives. On the flip side traffic cams have become a huge source of revenue for cities by catching traffic violations. They make intersections dangerous as people tend to slam on their brakes when they spot traffic cams. If used ethically these types of technology benefit society but, it seems often they are not used ethically. Discuss the pros, cons, and your opinion on the potential of ChatGPT. For example what are the best uses for ChatGPT and similar AI ? ChatGPT can benefit businesses by providing training documents and translating documents into other languages. The Pros of ChatGPT: One can person can do the job of many (Ethan Mollick 2022)
The cons of ChatGPT: Information is not always accurate, the formula needed to search for topics can be somewhat complicated, human job loss. References : (https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/safety-resources/scams-and-safety/common-scams-and- crimes/ransomware#:~:text=Ransomware%20is%20a%20type%20of,of%20critical%20information %20and%20data.) (Forbes 2022)
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