Week 7 iHuman Assessment_McBerty



Chamberlain College of Nursing *

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Apr 29, 2024





Uploaded by BarristerNeutron4870

iHuman Assessment -Week 7 Victoria McBerty Consider how the setting in which you see clients may impact your recommendations for medications, treatments, or follow-up care. The setting will greatly impact how a patient is treated. In many settings, imaging and blood work are not available so these would have to be done at another place. So, the patient would need to go get the testing done and treatment would be for the symptoms. The patient would then return for another appointment to go over the results and receive more adequate treatment. How would your recommendations have changed for this client if she was underinsured? If this patient was underinsured, an MRI would likely not be covered. Instead of imaging, diagnosis and recommendations would have to be based off the physical findings and patient history. Education would be imperative to ensure prompt return if any ‘red flag’ symptoms present. Treatment would entail bedrest and over the counter pain relievers. What about if the encounter had occurred at a mobile clinic for unhoused clients? If this encounter happened at a mobile clinic for unhoused clients, it would be very similar to the underinsured. Imaging would be forgone and treatment would be mostly education. Social services should be consulted to find a place to stay for a few days in order to rest properly.
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