DeVonda Smith
5-3 Journal:
Final Project Case Study
To determine which codes are ICD, CPT or HCPCS II, it is to know the difference between the codes. Once
you determine which codes are what then you are able to move forward. When you find the category a
code falls into you can chart appropriately. You have the ICD-10 codes that are composed of two parts;
ICD-10-COM (Clinical Modification) for diagnosis coding in all healthcare settings. Then ICD-10-PCS
(Procedure Coding System) is used only for coding hospital inpatient procedures (
Similarities and
Differences, 2016).
Then you have CPT codes which are for billing and reporting claims in order for the
provider to get paid.
You will want to pay attention to the main terms. Those terms include but are not limited to: Acute and
chronic alcoholism, splenectomy, abnormal liver function, hypokalemia, abnormal bleeding and cirrhosis.
As this is not all the main terms but these terms mentioned are understood. Any terms that are not
understood are not listed.