The most frequently missed question was “In how many countries has resistance to insecticides been
tested?” Only two of eleven students got this question correct. The fact that resistance to medicines and
insecticides has been increasing is another aspect of Malaria prevention and proper treatment that
student need to be made aware of. The other two most frequently missed questions were select all that
apply. The first of these two questions, “how can malaria be prevented” five out of eleven students
correctly selected sleeping under a net and allowing their home to be sprayed. Three students selected
washing fruit and vegetables before you eat them. While this is good advice for students, this does not
prevent malaria, and seems to demonstrate a significant gap in knowledge. Secondly, “who is most at
risk for Malaria” only three out of eleven students correctly answered this question. Pregnant MALARIA
EDUCATION 36 women and young children are most at risk in this group. Students seems to be aware
that young children were at risk, but were not as aware as pregnant mothers. This also demonstrates a
knowledge gap that is crucial, since student missionaries are often educators or healthcare workers in
their volunteer work