Assessment 1_Questioning_Written _Assessment_AURETR010_revised



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Student Book Written Assessment AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 2 of 22 Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment Student Name Witthawat laipaksi Student ID Number 0000019832 Unit Start Date 13/03/2023 Unit End Date 14/03/2023 Assessment Due Date 21/03/2023 Date Submitted 21/03/2023 This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to determine student competency in this assessment task The assessment process and tasks were fully explained. Yes / No I am aware of which evidence will be collected and how. Yes / No I am aware of my right to appeal an assessment decision. Yes / No I am aware that I can locate the AIBT’s Complaints and Appe als Policy and Procedure on their website at Yes / No I have discussed any additional educational support or reasonable adjustments I require in order to undertake this assessment with the Student Support Services Officer and Trainer / Assessor, (if applicable). e.g. Student Handbook and Access and Equity Policy Yes / No I have access to all required resources? Yes / No Cheating & Plagiarism Declaration Student Declaration: In accordance with the AIBT’s Academic Misconduct Policy , I hereby acknowledge by signing this declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work regarding the assessment tasks undertaken in this unit of competency except where the work has been correctly acknowledged. NOTE: Student must sign this prior to submitting their assessments to the assessor Signature Witthawat Date: ___13_ / __03__ / 2023___ Assessment Results Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory (Please circle or highlight the assessment result for this task) Feedback to Student - Please provide general feedback on the Student’s performance Student Declaration: - I verify that the work completed is my own and that I was adequately informed of the assessment process prior to commencing this assessment task. Assessor Declaration: - I verify that I have adequately explained and negotiated the assessment tasks with the student prior to commencing assessment. Student Signature witthawat Assessor Signature Date 13/03/2023 Date
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 3 of 22 Context and Conditions of Assessment This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence required and conditions are adhered to demonstrate competency in this unit assessment task. Read the assessment carefully before commencing. This is an open book assessment and will be conducted at your designated campus / workshop / specialised lab. Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will provide feedback / comment. You must answer all the questions in the assessment tasks in your own words and own handwriting. Your Trainer / Assessor will inform you of the due date for this assessment task. Your Assessor will grade as either S Satisfactory or NS Not Satisfactory for the assessment. In all cases your Assessor will provide you with feedback. Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S Satisfactory you will be deemed C Competent in the final result of the unit of competency; if you do not satisfactorily complete all the assessment tasks you will be deemed NYC Not Yet Competent. Re-Assessment Conditions If the evidence is graded as NS Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this case, you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so that they can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment. Where a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgement is made, you will be given guidance on steps to take to improve your performance and provided the opportunity to resubmit evidence to demonstrate competence. The assessor will determine and discuss the reasons for NS Not satisfactory on any of the criteria and will assess you through a different method of assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving exercises. You will be notified between 10-30 working days of undertaking an assessment of their result in achieving competency o If a student does not complete the assessment, they should notify their trainer as to why they did not complete the assessment and if due to illness, a medical certificate must be produced. o In the above scenario, student will be given an opportunity for reassessment within 5 working days with no reassessment fee charged. o Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. Students will then have the opportunity to repeat the assessment task within 5 working days of notification with no reassessment fee charged. o If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment or if the student did not approach the AIBT’s within five working days with a valid reason for not availing themselves of the reassessment opportunity, then those students will be given a final chance to re-sit the assessment and will be charged a reassessment fee as per AIBT rule. o After this no further reassessment attempt will be provided to the student and the student will be required to repeat the whole unit with full fee for the unit. The student will be made aware of the impact of repeating the unit may have on their student visa. o If a student is found to be cheating or plagiarising their assessment, a reassessment fee will be charged for reassessing the assessment within 5 working days. o If the student is found to be plagiarising or cheating again after conclusion of the Intervention meeting with the Course Co-ordinator, the matter will be referred to the Academic Management Committee which may result in the suspension or cancellation of their enrolment o AIBT’s has intervention strategies, including student support services available to enable students to complete qualification in the expected time frame. Students at risk of not completing within this time frame are identified as early as possible and an intervention strategy is put in place. AIBT will ensure access to: automotive repair workplace or simulated workplace workplace instructions manufacturer machinery wiring specifications three (3) different vehicles, vessels or machinery requiring repairs to their wiring harnesses and looms
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AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 4 of 22 tools, equipment and materials appropriate for repairing wiring harnesses and looms, including: o multimeter o continuity tester o crimping tools o soldering equipment o heat gun o terminals and connectors o wire and cabling. Evidence to be submitted by the student: - Completed written responses to the questions in the assessment task Assessment Decision Making Rules Your assessor will assess the evidence submitted for the following elements, performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence to confirm that the student evidence submitted demonstrates validity, sufficiency, authenticity and confirms current skills and knowledge relevant to the unit of competency. Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task: - work health and safety (WHS) and occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements relating to repairing wiring harnesses and looms, including procedures for: o using safety data sheets (SDS) o selecting and using personal protective equipment (PPE) o identifying firefighting equipment o safely handling hazardous materials and toxic substances o following soldering equipment safe operating procedures environmental requirements, including procedures for trapping, storing and disposing of hazardous materials and toxic substances released during repair processes location and content of workplace procedures and manufacturer specifications relating to wiring harnesses and looms types of wiring systems found in vehicles, including: o basic single wiring, including: - trailer harness - driving lights harness - accessory wiring harness o complex multi-wiring with varying wire gauges o controller area network databus (CAN-bus) wiring, including: - twisted pair - shielded wiring testing procedures, including: o accessing electrical terminals and using test probes without damaging connectors, fuse holders or wiring o testing wiring harnesses and looms, including resistance and voltage drop and circuit performance checks o visual and functional assessments, including: - component damage and wear - component corrosion - water and moisture ingress - damaged insulation - frayed wires - burnt wiring - terminal and connector damage removal procedures for wiring harnesses and looms, including: o accessing wiring and removing panels and covers o removing and replacing components o disconnecting terminals from connectors repair procedures of wiring harnesses and looms, including: o determining cable and terminal types and sizes according to circuit current draw
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 5 of 22 o wire soldering procedures o terminal crimping o replacing male and female terminals within a connector housing o protecting and routing harness and loom post-repair testing procedures of wiring harnesses and looms, including procedures for checking full operation of associated electrical systems.
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 6 of 22 Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment 1. Material safety data sheets (MSDS) or safety data sheets (SDS) contain important chemical information and must be furnished to all employees annually. New employees should be exposed to the sheets as part of their job orientation. True or False: True 2. Identify five (5) important items of personal protective equipment (PPE). 1 Eye Protection. 2 Gloves 3 Gown 4 Mask 5 Shoe and head cover 3. Which fire extinguisher below should you use on electrical fires? A. Foam B. Water C. Carbon dioxide D. None of these are correct
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AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 7 of 22 4. Complete the following statement about hazards involved in soldering using the following words. Words: Check, Cleaners, Flick, Hands, Holder, Insulated, Iron, People, Sensitive, Temperature, Tools, Touch, Treated, Yourself Although solder has a relatively low melting point this __temoerature_____ is more than high enough to cause serious burns to ___People__ or objects. It is important to hold the soldering iron only by the __insulared__ handle, never touch the heating element or tip when the soldering _iron___ is on. The soldering iron will remain hot for some time after it is turned off so always ____Check______ that it has cooled down before touching it, e.g. if changing the tip. When you are not soldering always keep the soldering iron in a proper _holder____ so that you don’t touch it accidently and it doesn’t heat or burn other objects such as the benchtop. Don’t hold parts being soldered with your _Hands__ as these will also be heated when being soldered. Don’t __Flick___ molten solder from the soldering iron or wipe the tip on brass wool type tip __Cleaners____. If using a hot plate for surface mount soldering do not _touch__ the hot plate. Use utensils such as pliers to place and remove printed circuit boards ( PCB’s ) from the hotplate. If using hot air _tools __ for soldering, de- soldering or rework, do not direct the hot air stream onto _Yourself__ or other people. If using an oven allow the PCB to cool before handling or use utensils. Don’t place hot PCB’s on temperature _Sensitive____ surfaces. If burns occur, they should be __Treated__ by holding under cold running water for several minutes and assistance sought if burns are severe. Incidents should be reported. 5. Leaded solder contains lead which is a harmful material. True or False: True 6. Solder flux creates fumes when heated during soldering which may be harmful if inhaled. Use a fume extractor to avoid inhaling fumes. True or False: True 7. Never use acid core solder. It creates corrosion and can damage electronic components. True or False: True 8. Liquid solder flux, may generate a flammable vapour. Keep away from open flames and other sources of ignition. True or False: True
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 8 of 22 9. Soldering may result in the emission of hazardous metallic fumes and vapours from fluxes used. personnel should position themselves so as to not directly inhale the fumes/vapours. True or False: true 10. Flux is a chemical compound that when applied to the metals to be soldered prevents further oxidisation and assists in the flow of solder onto the job. True or False: True 11. Prepare a list of safety precautions that should be adhered to when soldering wires in the cabin of a vehicle. Your list MUST include 5 different safety precautions. 1 Hold cables that need to be insulated by clamps. 2 Wear eye protection 3 When not using it, turn the machine off and disconnect it. 4 After soldering, always clean your hands with soap and water 5 If possible, use rosin-free and lead-free solders 12. According to the SDS for CIGWELD Comweld 965 Soldering Flux, what container should NOT be used to trap and store this flux during soft soldering activities? Should not store in aluminium containers or corbonate containers..
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 9 of 22 13. Complete the following statement about disposing CIGWELD Comweld 965 Soldering Flux in soldering using the following words. Words: Chemical, Licensed, Neutralise, Material, Recycle, Supplier, Treatment, Waste ____Recycle______ wherever possible. Consult manufacturer for recycling options or consult local or regional _Waste______ management authority for disposal if no suitable __treatment______ or disposal facility can be identified. Treat and ____Neutralise______ at an approved treatment plant. Treatment should involve: Neutralisation with soda-ash or soda-lime followed by: burial in a land-fill specifically __Licensed_____ to accept chemical and / or pharmaceutical wastes or Incineration in a licensed apparatus (after admixture with suitable combustible _Material___ ). Containers may still present a Chemical___ hazard/ danger when empty. Return to __Supplier__ for reuse/ recycling if possible. 14. A wiring diagram show the actual position of the part on a vehicle. True or False: False 15. All the following information about the vehicle’s wiring can be found in the electrical schematics with the exception of _____. A. Wire colour B. Wire size C. Connector terminal designation D. Component location on vehicle 16. When diagnosing wiring faults, you should use the electrical schematic diagram to trace the flow of current through all the switches, wires, connectors, circuit protection devices, and grounds related to the problem before he begins testing. True or False: True 17. Where would you find the wiring diagram for the vehicle you are working on? A. Internet B. Workshop manual (WSM) C. Automotive Technology Textbook D. All these answers are correct
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AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 10 of 22 18. Most automotive circuits contain five (5) basic parts. 1 Charging 2 Ignition 3 Starting 4 Lighting 5 Accessory 19. Name the parts of the driving light wiring diagram below. 1 Switch 2 High beam wire 3 Fuse 4 Relay 5 Positive wire 6 Negative wire
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 11 of 22 20. Name the parts of the trailer wiring harness below. 1 Back up (Purple) 6 Ground to Vehicle 2 Right, Stop and Turn (Green White) 7 Tail, License, Side Marker(Brown wire) 3 Back up lights or Hydraulic Couple(purple white) 8 Left/stop & Turn (Yellow wire) 4 Aux, power (Red wire) 9 Electric Brake control(Blue) 5 Ground to trailer 10 Fused Battery Lead (Red/Black) 21. Name the function of which each wire of the trailer harness. Wire Function Green Right Turn Signal& Right Brake Light Yellow Left Turn Signal & Left Brake Light White Ground Brown Tail Lights, Side Markers and Running Lights Blue Electric Brakes or Hydraulic Reverse Disable Red 12V Auxiliary Power Purple Back-up Lights
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 12 of 22 22. Name the parts of the vehicle instrument panel wiring diagram below. 1 Indicated Power Circuit 7 Solid box indicates complete component. 2 Indicated an internal splice. 8 Indicates component in case grounded. 3 Indicated Splice. 9 Indicates a body ground. 4 Indicates connector pin number 10 Indicates vehicle optional circuits. 5 Indicates Connector number 11 Indicates operating condition of component is not complete 6. Indicates in-line connectors and connector pin designation. 12 Dashed box indicates component is not complete.
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AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 13 of 22 23. Complete the following statement about complex multi-wiring using the following words Words: Bent, Circuits, Complex, Components, Conduit, Engine, Harnesses, Heat, Joined, Multiple-pin, Nylon, Wire Most manufacturers use wiring _Harnesses__ to reduce the number of loose wires hanging under the hood or dash of an automobile. The wiring harness provides for a safe path for the _Wire__ of the vehicle’s lighting, engine, and accessory ___Components___. The wiring harness is made by grouping insulated wires and wrapping them together. The wires are bundled into separate harness assemblies that are ___Joined_____ together by connector plugs. The __Engine_ connector plug may have more than 60 individual wire terminals. There are several complex wiring harnesses in a vehicle, in addition to the simple harnesses. The ___Multiple-pin__ compartment harness and the under-dash harness are examples of complex harnesses. A ____Complex__ harness serves many circuits, while a simple harness services only a few _Circuit___. Some individual circuit wires may branch out of a complex harness to other areas of the vehicle. Most wiring harnesses use a flexible plastic or mesh __Nylon___ conduit to provide for quick wire installation. The ____Conduit_ has a seam that can be opened to accommodate the installation or removal of wires from the harness. The seam will close once the wires are installed and will remain closed even if the conduit is ____Bent_. In areas around the exhaust manifolds, the wires may be exposed to excessive heat. To protect the wires of the harness, a special __Heat___ reflective conduit is typically used 24. A multiplex wiring system uses bus data links that connect different computers or control modules together. True or False: True 25. Twisting together two (2) wires that carry data from one computer module to another increases the possibility that radio waves and magnetic fields can interfere with data transmission. True or False: TRUE 26. The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) have classified the different communication protocols by their speed and operation. Which communication protocol below would use shielded coaxial cable? A. Class A (Low-speed communication) B. Class B (Medium-speed communication) C. Class C (High-speed communication) D. None of these answers are correct
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 14 of 22 27. Shielded coaxial cable or fibre optics may be used for less noise interference. True or False: True
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 15 of 22 28. Often testing electrical circuits requires the technician to use front-probing or back-probing tools to probe a connector to allow a test lead to contact a terminal inside the connector. Why? Because any other form of testing is difficult as connector housing are so tight. 29. A voltage drop test can find excessive resistance in a circuit that may not be detected using an ohmmeter. True or False: TRUE 30. A technician is testing a connector in a circuit with a voltmeter. With the power on in the circuit, the meter reads 12-volts when the leads are placed on each side of the connector. This indicates that the connector _____. A. Is shorted to ground B. Is open C. Is good D. Has current flowing through it 31. A technician is checking a circuit with excessive resistance. The current flow through the circuit should be 10 amps, but a check with an ammeter measures only 6 amps. The technician measures a voltage drop of 1.0 volts across the switch terminals when the circuit is turned on. What is the resistance of the switch? A. 1/60 ohm B. 1/6 ohm C. 6 ohms D. 60 ohms 32. When testing resistance in a circuit with an ohmmeter, _____. A. The ohmmeter is connected in parallel to the circuit and the circuit is turned on. B. The ohmmeter is connected in series to the circuit and the circuit is turned on. C. The circuit or component must first be disconnected from the power source, then the ohmmeter is connected in parallel with the component being tested. D. All answers are correct.
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AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 16 of 22 33. What faults should you visually inspect for on wiring and component connectors? Wires : For obvious signs of damage, inspect the length of the wire. Unless the wire's inner wiring is damaged, immediately disconnect the wire and find a replacement. Treat with strong caution of taped wires. Connectors: Possible fault may be reduced by noting that some other circuit-related components are operating correctly. The issue is likely to be connected to a mutual power/fuse or earth link if multiple components or circuits fail at once. 34. If the wiring insulation was damaged, frayed or burnt, what kind of fault could this cause? A shock could be caused by contact with a damaged wire. Damaged insulation can result a short, way that results in arcing or a fire. 35. All the following information about the vehicle’s wiring can be found in the electrical schematics with the exception of _____. A. Wire colour B. Wire size C. Connector terminal designation D. Component location on vehicle 36. When working with connectors, never pull on the wires to separate the connectors. This can create an intermittent contact and an intermittent problem that can be very difficult to find later. Always use the special tools designed for separating connectors to prevent this problem. True or False: True
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 17 of 22 37. Which source of information will give you the most detail about accessing wiring, removing panels and covers and removing and replacing components on the vehicle you are working on. A. Workshop manual B. Owner’s manual C. Google D. Textbooks
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 18 of 22 38. You are wiring a vehicle for a trailer hitch. The trailer will have eight parking lamps. Each parking lamp uses a 6-watt light bulb. What size fuse should be used to supply power for the parking lamp circuit? [Assume that the normal operating voltage is 14 volts.] A. 5 amps B. 10 amps C. 15 amps D. 20 amps 39. Always follow the manufacturer’s wiring and terminal repair procedures. On some components and circuits, manufacturers recommend complete wiring harness replacement rather than making repairs to the wiring. True or False: true 40. Complete the following statement about wire replacement using the following words. Words: Amperage, Correct, Large, Small, Size, All replacement wires should be of the same _Size____ or larger than the original. If adding an accessory, the new wire should be _Large_____ enough to ensure safe and reliable performance. However, overly large wires add weight and expense, and add to the difficulty of splicing wires together. If the wire is too __small___ , an unwanted voltage drop can occur. The two factors that should always be considered when determining the _correct_____ size of a wire are the total circuit _Amperage____ and the total length of wire (resistance increases with length) used in each circuit, including the ground. 41. Disconnect the fuse that powers the circuit being repaired. Note: If the circuit is not protected by a fuse, disconnect the ground lead of the battery. True or False: True 42. You should use a splice clip while soldering two wires together. True or False: True 43. Twists the wire strands of the wire ends together before soldering. True or False: True 44. Rosin or resin-type flux core solder is used to repair electrical wiring. True or False: True
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AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 19 of 22 45. Apply the tip flat of the soldering iron against the splice to hear it. At the same time, apply solder to the opening of the clip. Do not apply solder to the iron. The iron should be 180 degrees away from the opening of the clip. As the splice and wires heat, the solder will flow through the splice. True or False: true 46. Terminal ends are replaced when they are damaged or to accommodate the use of a connector. The replacement process must be done to provide for good continuity and to prevent electrical problems in the future. Describe the procedure for replacing an electrical terminal. Holden Terminal removal Procedure 1.Disconnect the connector from the component. 2.Remove the wire dress cover , if necessary. 3.Push the wire side of the terminal that is being removed toward the connector and hold it in position. 4.Insert the EL-38125-561 tool into the 2 cavities on each side of the terminal at the front of the connector and push until you fell the tool disengage the terminal retainers. 5.Carefully pull the terminal out of the connector. Always remember never use force when pulling a terminal out of the connector. If the terminal is difficult to remove , repeat the entire procedure. Terminated Lead repair 1.Remove the terminal. 2.find the appropriate terminated lead. 3.Use the appropriate splice sleeves depending on the gage size. 4.Refer to Splicing Cooper Wire Using Splice Sleeves.
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 20 of 22
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 21 of 22 47. If there is damage to a terminal or connector, the wires and terminals need to be removed from the connector. If the connector is a one-piece moulded type, what repairs can be carried out? It cannot be disassembled for repairs. If it is broken or damaged, it will be replaced. 48. Hard shell connectors normally have a locking tab to retain the terminal. To remove the terminal, a connector pick is used to depress the locking tab. After repairs are made, use the connector pick to bend the tang back to its original shape before inserting it into the connector. True or False: TRUE 49. Dielectric grease is used on wire terminals and connectors to prevent corrosion. True or False: true 50. Dielectric grease reduces the resistance between the terminals. True or False: False 51. You should always use heat shrink tubing to insulate and seal soldered wire connections. True or False: true 52. You should always wrap the soldered connection with electrical tape. True or False: true 53. Never reroute wires when making repairs. Rerouting wires can result in induced voltages in nearby components. Induced voltages produce unwanted signals through magnetism rather than from the components within the circuit. These stray voltages can interfere with the function of electronic circuits. True or False: true 54. Why is it important to verify that the vehicle you have repaired is operating correctly? Examine the paint colour Taking a test drive whether everything is going good or not If something you find wrong, tell them immediately. Just notice that if the car condition is exactly like before or something’s changed
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AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms Assessment 1 Questioning Written Assessment AURETR010 Version: 1.0 Created: Feb 2017 Page 22 of 22
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