ESET 216 - LAB 1



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Mechanical Engineering


Dec 6, 2023





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Page 1 0of 3 S MT-204 / ROBO-240 Lab : ::: FILL OUT THIS SECTION IN PEN El; Course Code and Section =41 21 Sec 067 I " Name L. . o " Student Number 22(2¢ lzq - Attendance for Part A (dd/mm/yy) 24 /897 2% Lab Instructor’s signature Attendance for Part B (dd/mm/yy) 29/ ' #§/2F Lab Instructor’s signature STRENGTH OF SHEAR CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVE Upon successful completion of this lab, the learner will be able to: = Understand the difference between single shear and double shear = Lixperimentally determine the strength of both single shear and double shear connections * Lxperimentally determine the ultimate shear strength of a material = Compare the ultimate shear strength of a number of materials OPERATION OF THE SATEC T5000 TESTING MACHINE FOR SHEAR TESTING i, ‘The instructor will check that: (1) Appropriate holders are installed (2) Limit switches are set (3) Power is turned on (4) RANGL knob is set on HIGH (5) Units knob is set on POUNDS (6) TEST SPEED slides are both fully down b. Press the X"'HD up or down buttons, continuously or in short bursts, to position the moving crosshead: these buttons are not used for applying testing loads. ¢, Press the TENSION or COMPRESSION buttons to move the crosshead up or down, thereby applying the testing loads; these buttons can also be used for fine positioning of the crosshead. . Slightly raise the TEST SPEED right slide only to set the testing speed (crosshead speed) for the TEENSION and COMPRESSION buttons ; slide fully down to temporarily stop the crosshead. e. Tocompletely stop a test (stop the crosshead) press the red EMERGENCY STOP button; avoid using the RIETURN button since it is associated with the limit switches. . Obtain the desired display showing S1, PS, L1, and PK by repeatedly pressing the MODE button: (1) PS shows current position of the crosshead, from the starting position, to the nearest 0.0001 inch. (2) L1 shows current load, to the nearest pound. (3) PK shows peak load reached during the test, to the nearest pound. 4y S1 is not activated. Mount the test assembly in the holders using the X"HD up and down buttons, with the TENSION and COMPRLESSION buttons if necessary, leaving some slack (looseness). h. Setall display items to zero by: (1 Adjusting the LOAD/COARSL ZERO and LOAD/FINL ZERO knobs to zero L1. (2) Pressing the Il button by itself. (3) Pressing the Il and 172 buttons together. (4) Pressing the 12 button by itself. = Scanned with CamScanner
PPage 2ol 3 Press the TENSION button, then slightly raise the TEST SPEED right slide to start the crosshead moving up: PS will show the crosshead displacement (which will not be recorded in shear testing) while L1 will indicate the current load (which will be zero until all the slack is taken out). j. When LI indicates an increasing current load, adjust the test speed to monitor the current load and carry on until the assembly breaks. k. When a test specimen or assembly breaks, the L1 reading drops to zero, but the peak (maximum) load reached during the test is maintained on the PK display: stop the crosshead by pressing the red EMERGENCY STOP button, and lower the TEST SPEED right slide fully down (avoid using the RETURN button as explained in Step E). l. Record the peak load. PART A - TESTING OF SHEAR CONNECTIONS SINGLE SHEAR CONNECTIONS a. Check the diameters of the aluminum (2011-T3) test pins and record in the following table (nominal diameter is 3/16 in = 0.188 in). b. Assemble the two single shear plates using one aluminum pin to form a shear connection, mount the assembly in the testing machine, then pull the assembly (apply tension) until it fails by breaking of the pin; record in the peak load obtained. * c. Repeat Step B with 2 aluminum pins, then with 3 aluminum pins. -1 (b ')/;f = ! > (012)” [ Pin diameter = M in Pin cross-section area=__ 0-02¢ in2 ?; points) For connection with 1 pin, Peak load = _’I_]‘T_ b > L (5 points) Total shearing area= ___0-628 i? &—— IxA = 1 (P ) Ultimate shear strength =.'_$jfi4_/r0_7']_ psi Z PK /’{o {‘ l 4 “’\Y""_’J Ao For connection with 2 pins, Peak load=_ {120 _1b oxh = = (0.620n (5 points) Total shearing area = 0.056 iz < KN = Co. ) Ultimate shear strength = psid \ Z FK/'\LD("’ thea l\AJ( P For connection with 3 pins, Peak load=_2Z92" b, wwd e 2 (0. 26 ) : Total shearing area = ___ 0-0&Y i & Cpin) Ultimate shear strength = =22{7. |4 psé‘ e /| 3 DOUBLE SHEAR CONNECTIONS W= (7<) Matal Lhear ng Area a. Check the diameters of the aluminum (2011-T3), copper (C110). and brass (C360) test pins and record in the following table (nominal diameters are 3/16 in = 0.188 in). b. Assemble the two double shear plates using an aluminum pin to form a shear connection. mount the assembly in the testing machine, then pull the assembly (apply tension) until it fails by breaking of the pin; record in the peak load obtained. c. Repeat Step B with a copper pin, then a brass pin. Scanned with CamScanner
D N2 v, o KM = TY bl A= T /4 Page 3 of 3 Pin diameter = 0-]2&) in, Pin cross-section area = 0.02¢ in Peak load = __950__1b 200 20" Total shearing area = 0.00¢ in2 )(5 poipts) Ultimate shear strength = 2 £ .43 psi dgug = PR Copper pin, Pin diameter = O 108 in, Pin cross-section area = M—a‘? in2 4'/'{[' b:7+ danls = [/, N Peak load = _1420__1b 2 Co. J?flh‘) =1 (l-[fifi>+/4’ Total shearing area=__© 08¢ in? (5 points) Ultimate shear strength = 26428, £ pSié uss = g_{ = ; : o ) . Brass pin. Pin diameter=_0_| L in. Pincross-sectionarea=__ 2:99¢ jp P '(T(D’)/‘f Peuk load = Lszfl: b 10.079"'?) Aluminum pin, Total shearing area = ___ 6.0 ¢ _in? . = (O.I&)) 4/4. Ultimate shear strength = _{¢71 . psi & (5 points) PART ALYSIS OF THE RESULT ug = L PART B - ANALYSIS . RE! TS el SLM.IB 4 Complete the tables in Part A by calculating and recording the cross-section area to the nearest 0.0001 in2, the total shearing area tothe nearest 0.0001 in2, and the ultimate (peak) shear strength (peak load divided by the total shearing area) to the nearest 100 psi (pounds per square inch). Noting that the peak load represents the strength of the connection, what is the strength of the single shear two-pin connection. and that of the three-pin connection, relative to the strength of the one-pin connection? Strength of single shear two-pin connection =_Z_ x Strength of single shear one-pin connection ol 4 s é . . Each i Strength of single shear three-pin connection = 3 x Strength of single shear one-pin connection ¢h (5 points) Does the ultimate shear strength of the material depend on the number of pins (yes or no)? yi (10 points) In comparing the one-pin connection using the aluminum pin in double shear to the one-pin connection using the aluminum pin in single shear , what is the strength of the double shear connection relative to the single shear connection? Strength of one-pin double shear connection = Z x Strength of one-pin single shear connection (5 points) Does the ultimate shear strcngtp_ of the aluminum depend on whether it was tested under single shear or double shear (yes or no)? =2 o Y - (10 points) Rank the three materials in descending order of ultimate shear strength (from highest to lowest). (30 Points) - BRAS PING Ultimate shear strength = 4T 071 43psi o ALY rTiNU m P"\, Ultimate shear strength =347 . psi 3- _Qr Er PIN Ultimate shear strength = 2¢.429. psi Scanned with CamScanner
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