Suppose
that
we
are
finding
the
domain
of
a
function,
and
we
find
that
the
domain
is
all
numbers
that
are
at
least
—2
but
less
than
&
.
Which
of
the
following
intervals
would
we
write
as
our
domain?
(Select
only
answer,)
Choice
Selected
(-2,8)
No
[answer
withheld]
(—2,8|
No
[answer
withheld]
|~2,8)
Yes
[answer
withheld]
(-2,8]
No
[answer
withheld]
ESsconcic
Inequality
notation
can
use
either
square
brackets
@,
b|
or
round
brackets
(a,b)
.
Square
brackets
mean
that
the
a
value
is
included
in
the
interval,
while
round
brackets
mean
@
is
excluded.
Since
the
question
states
at
least
—2
,
that
means
it
includes
—2
.
So,
you
would
use
square
brackets.
The
phrase
less
than
§
does
not
include
,
so
you
would
use
round
brackets.
Therefore,
your
answer
should
be
[—2,
8)
.
Question2:
Score
1/1
Convert
lg
to
a
percent.
Do
include
the
%
sign.
Your
response
Correct
response
Auto
graded
Grade:
1/1.0
&
%
and
to
a
decimal:
Your
response
Correct
response
0.05
Auto
graded
Grade:
1/1.0
&
°
Total
grade:
1.0%1/2
+
1.0x1/2
=
50%
+
50%
Feedback:
1.
To
convert
a
fraction
to
a
percent,
we
divide
the
numerator
by
the
denominator
and
multiply
by
100,
so
m
becomes
as
a
percent.