Teacher: L. Curtis
Grade Level: Secondary Math
Building: Big Sandy Campus
Date: 11/8/2023
Post Conference Reflection
As you reflect on the lesson, were students cognitively engaged in the work? How do you know?
Students were not highly engaged in the work. This was evidenced by the many various
conversations around the room and the lack of completion of given tasks.
Did the students attain the lesson objectives? What is the evidence of their learning?
There was no participation in the planned lesson. All students did not have a calculator to engage in the
lesson. There were some students playing games and other students completing the given assignment
with no fidelity.
How did the instructional strategies you chose support student learning? How do you know?
The instructional strategies did not support learning because they were not implemented strategically.
Students had many questions and when those questions were not answered students deviated from the
given task.
Did you adjust your plan as you taught the lesson? What, how, and why?
There was an effort made to adjust the plan but it seemingly led to no learning occurring.
If you were to teach this lesson again, what might you do (if anything) differently?
I would start by providing an overview of the expectations of the day. I would lead transitions through
activities. I would also redirect aversive behaviors more aggressively. More modeling for students would
be helpful.